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2020 : Participate in the design of your next EFESI 2021-2027 programs!

As part of the preparation of the future structural funds operational programmes for 2021-2027, the managing authorities have engaged in a process of partnership consultations, in order to best assess the funding needs and the challenges to be met by regional authorities.

I- Consultations within the scope of the European Commission’s guidelines

Following a logic of thematic concentration, the European Commission has defined five major strategic objectives that will guide the funding for 2021-2027: to support the transition towards a smarter Europe (objective 1), a greener and low-carbon Europe (objective 2), a more connected Europe (objective 3), a more social Europe (objective 4) and a Europe that is closer to its citizens (objective 5).

For certain objectives, the future OPs will also have to comply with precise minimum thresholds. These thresholds vary from one State to another, depending on their respective wealth. In France, at least 85% of the ERDF budget should thus be devoted to Objectives 1 and 2, and at least 6% should be devoted to urban-rural development.

Partnership consultations are held in France, throughout the EU and are based on these broad guidelines to target the regions’ needs. For example, online consultations and concertation were organized at the beginning of 2019 by the ESF managing authority in the German Land of Baden-Württemberg.

II- Project leaders, make your proposals known during the next consultations!

Even if some of them are already closed, new partnership consultations are still to come. Don’t miss the opportunity to make your needs known to the managing authorities!

Among the next events: a consultation meeting organized jointly by the region and the prefecture of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté will be held on 4 February 2020. Thematic workshops are also planned by the Ile-de-France region in March-April, following a consultation meeting organized on 15 January.

Do not miss the opening of the second phase of national consultation, which should take place after the publication of the provisional version of the ESF+ National OP in the coming weeks. Considering the provisional schedule, this new stage should last until March and will allow you to review the outline. 

You can express yourself online, by taking part in the open questionnaires, notably in the Ile de France region and in Corsica. Proposals may also be sent directly by e-mail to the addresses dedicated to this purpose. Thus, you can still express yourself by e-mail to the DIRECCTE Normandie until 31 January 2020. Similarly, the Martinique local authority invites you to send your contributions via mail.

Please note that the results from the consultations that have already been held are available for consultation such as those published by the Normandy region .

To find out about all the dates, terms and conditions and to ensure that the programmes are defined in line with your expectations, consult the websites of your managing authorities!

Valérie Buisine, Welcomeurope Associate Director, with Audrey Péan


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