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A Cooperation Manifesto about smart cities: highlighting H2020 and other EU funding opportunities for innovative urban actions!

Nine smarts cities Lighthouse projects funded by INEA (the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency) signed a Cooperation Manifesto in Nottingham (UK) on the 23th March 2017.

The projects altogether span over 50 towns and cities across Europe. The idea of the manifesto is to spread projects results beyond the projects themselves and to replicate smart cities solutions.

It also reminds the H2020 funding opportunities available in line with some of the Horizon 2020 societal challenges: the “Smart, green and integrated transport” challenge (€2.9 billion in 2014-2020); the “Secure, clean and efficient energy” challenge (€3.8 billion in 2014-2020); but also €131.5 million in 2016-2017 from the Secure, clean and efficient energy budget and €17 million in 2016-2017 from Smart, green and integrated transport.

Some calls are still open as the Clean Sky call 2 for instance. Indeed the H2020 programme already funded urban transport and smart cities projects.

For instance, the “GrowSmarter” project demonstrates 12 smart city solutions to common urban challenges such as renovation, heating, waste management, mobility and other in Barcelona, Cologne and Stockholm. The project was run by cities and industrial and research partners.

Another project called “Triangulum” aims to reduce energy use and carbon emissions, enhance quality of life and stimulate economic development. The technologies used vary from local renewable power generation and energy storage, geothermal pumps or storage batteries integrated in the electricity grid, to use of electric mobility (e-cars and e-bikes) as well as refurbishment over 100,000 m² of housing.

Other EU funding opportunities exist as the Urban Innovative Action (which is part of the ERDF European Regional Development Fund), an Initiative of the European Commission that provides urban areas with resources to test new and unproven solutions to address urban challenges throughout Europe.


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