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A reinforced partnership between the EU and its outermost regions

The European Commission adopted a report on progress made under the 2017 Strategic Partnership with the EU’s outermost regions wich shows that this strengthened partnership is bearing fruit.

The Commission has created a number of opportunities in the context of EU policies and funding instruments. These measures include:

  • Taking into account regions’ specificities in policy-making, from state aid to taxation, from the European Semester to the Green Deal or the circular economy action plan;
  • Reflecting their specificities in twenty-one proposals for 2021-2027 EU programmes and funds, in a wide range of sectors including cohesion, agriculture, fisheries, research, environment, transport and digital connectivity;
  • Creating tailored opportunities under existing initiatives such as Horizon 2020 and LIFE;
  • Setting up dedicated taskforces and reaching out to the citizens of these regions through citizens’ dialogues.


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