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An expected strengthening of European action for sustainable and interconnected cities

In line with the EU’s environmental ambitions, the resources allocated to research on sustainable urban development are expected to increase. A call for JPI projects should therefore be published by the end of the year or early next year in order to encourage the creation of transnational consortia on these themes.

The ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC) call for proposals aims at creating and testing new solutions and approaches for sustainable urban mobility. With this shared ambition, 16 countries are pooling resources to implement a series of calls for research and innovation projects as well as accompanying measures to create highest impact. The joint calls and actions will focus on measures to improve urban accessibility and connectivity for all groups of society while moving towards more sustainable urban mobility systems.

Projects within this call are expected to be co-creative and have strong stakeholder participation already from the start. The research should be based on actual urban challenges and the results should lead to new approaches, tools, instruments, insights and knowledge that will bring stakeholders closer to sustainable urban accessibility and connectivity. The project results are expected to make a clear contribution to the realisation of relevant urban, regional, national and European transport policy objectives that can help cities, urban residents, communities, businesses and institutions make the most use of new developments in urban mobility.


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