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Commission announces €11 billion REACT-EU funds for 2022

The Commission has published the allocation of REACT-EU resources for the year 2022. Around €11 billion (in current prices) are now available for programming under Cohesion policy in all 27 Member States.

The REACT-EU resources are released in two tranches in order to capture thoroughly the evolving social and economic impact of the pandemic. Allocations are based on the countries’ GDP, unemployment and youth unemployment. Additionally, the breakdown takes into account the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on Member States’ economies according to statistic data from 19 October 2021.

The Commission recently launched the negotiations with the Member States on the use of the 2022 tranche of REACT-EU. Member States will now be able to send their programmes amendments to the Commission. Once these amendments are approved, the Member States will be able to access the new resources as of 1 January 2022.

11€ billion REACT-EU funds allocation now available for 2022


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