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EU 2019 budget: An additional €100 million for research and mobility

The European Commission proposed to add €100 million for the 2019 budget for research and mobility programmes. Indeed, the EU research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020, will receive an addition €80 million for its climate-related research. Climate action is one of the cross-cutting issues mainstreamed in H2020.

The Erasmus+ programme, which is the EU’s programme for education, training, youth and sport, will receive €20 million to support not only mobility programmes but also to help build up European Universities. The EU wants to set up 12 European universities by 2021, therefore allowing students to obtain a degree by combining studies in several EU countries. This will also contribute to the international competitiveness of European universities.

This proposal from the European Commission followed after an agreement of the European Parliament and the European Council on this subject, but it still needs their official approval.   


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