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European structural and investment funds: what use in France for the 2014-2020 period?

At the end of the 2014-2020 programming period, it is time to take stock of the ESI Funds consumption in France

Structural and Investment Funds: definition

The European Structural and Investment Funds (EIFS) are funds that finance innovative projects in all European Union countries for employment, research, training, environment and so on. They act in depth on the economic and social structures of European regions, while reducing inequalities of development throughout Europe. For the period 2014-2020, these funds represent approximately 960 billion euros, of which nearly 27.5 billion euros for France.

There are five types of funds:
• The European Regional and Economic Development Fund (ERDF) finances projects aimed at strengthening economic, social and territorial cohesion by correcting the main imbalances between the regions.
• The European Social Fund (ESF) promotes lifelong vocational training, the promotion of social inclusion and the fight against poverty or against discrimination.
• The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) is the financial instrument of rural development policy.
• The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) implements the Community fisheries policy. • The Cohesion Fund supports the poorest Member States of the EU.

Consumption of FESI in France for the period 2014-2020

As regards the consumption of funds in France, 47% of the ERDF-ESF-IEJ funds, 48% of the EAFRD and 25% of the EMFF were consumed by 2 July 2018.

By theme
If we look at the consumption of all funds by thematic objective:107 million euro or 36% of climate change funds, 334 million euro, or 36% of loans for Information and Communication Technologies, 353 million euro, or 33% of credits for environment, 716 million euro, or 52% of loans for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 816 million euro or 49% of credits for research and innovation, and 605 million euro or 33% of European credits were consumed.
By fund

In the tables below, the financial model corresponds to the total EU budget dedicated to the different funds for France for the period 2014-2020. As for programming, it represents the funds that have been allocated to the various projects while the certified expenses are the expenses that have actually been paid to the various projects after expenditure, checks and certification. There is a relatively low overall programming rate to date (56% for ERDF, ESF and YEI and 47% for EAFRD and EMFF).

Sources: Managing Authorities of ERDF-ESF-IEJPO-FEADER OPs and EMFF -Data available at CGET on 2 July 2018 – In millions of euros  

At the dawn of 2019, two years ahead of the end of the 2014-2020 programming period, about half of the funds are still available. There is still time for project leaders to approach their managing authority to benefit from them. Especially that as regards the new programming period, a drop in the budget of the FESI granted to France is expected.


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