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Improving access to EU funding for SMEs

As drivers of growth in Europe, the 23 million small and medium sized enterprises in Europe represent the principle targets of the EU funding programmes.

SMEs will play a great role in the new 2014-2020 programming period, as well as in the Europe 2020 strategy, and in order to achieve the goals of the expected smart, sustainable and inclusive economy.
The joint report of the European Commission and the European Investment Bank, published on May, 2nd 2013, recalls these priorities and covers the results of the current funding schemes as well as the new generation of financial instruments for SMEs. (http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/finance/files/joint-report_en.pdf)

Simultaneously was launched the new single online portal, in charge of listing all EU financial instruments for SMEs. This new single access-point provides access to the €100 billion EU funding available under the different EU programmes and structural funds.

The new website proposes a search engine detailing:
– the countries of study
– the type of finances (loan, venture capital)
– the company categories (Start-up / self-employed, Micro, Small mid-cap …)
– the amount of finance expected – The investment focus (R&D, ICT…)
– And even the sources of finance (structural funds, European programmes …)

Therefore, one can discover, or rediscover, all the EU programmes set to support SMEs:
– The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
– The Structural Funds (in areas like innovation and competitiveness, interregional and trans-border co-operation…)
– The programme Progress (for microenterprises)
– The 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development which, over the 2007-2013 period had a budget of 51 billion Euros and a part set aside for SMEs (technological co-operation, footbridges with universities, development of innovating products)
– The programme for innovation and competitiveness, which supports actions aiming at promoting innovation in companies as ICT

Similarly, some other are also concerned, more indirectly:
– The sub-programmes of the ICP (eco, intelligent energy, ICT)
– Funding for the promotion of biodiversity (Life+) and development of sustainable transportation (Marco polo II)
– The Erasmus program for young contractors (stays with experienced contractors)

If you have any questions on these programmes or need any help to apply or manage a project, do not hesistate to call Welcomeurope’s team  at (00 33) 


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