On June 30th, 2013, Ireland will pass down the presidency of the Council of the European Union to Lithuania.
During 6 months Ireland chaired the work of EU the Council of Ministers and does not hope to leave without leaving some last traces, in particular regarding the 2014 2020’s new opportunities.
A final chapter marked by some decisive agreements, symbols of the main arguments of its mandate: employment and growth.
•Within the framework of the Program for competitiveness and innovation (COSME) Ireland managed to find an agreement with the European Parliament which lead on February 5, 2013 to the publication of the Resolution of the European Parliament, over the period 2014-2020, on the improvement of SME’s access to financing, to the market, and for the development of new competencies and entrepreneurial attitudes. The final agreement must now be submitted to Coreper for a final adoption by the Member States
•The European Ministers for employment finally adopted, on June 20th, 2013, the general orientation of the European Council concerning the European Globalization Adjustment Fund (EGF) dedicated in particular to laid off populations. The European Parliament now needs to give its agreement for this fund to finance projects for insertion in the labor market, as well as its estimated budget of 1, 05 billion Euros.
•Following intense negotiations, the Irish presidency obtained an agreement on one of its priorities: Horizon 2020. The agreement on the innovation and investment plan aims to be a factor of employment and growth. It will therefore stand on three pillars:
-Excellent Science (European Research Centre, vital infrastructures and future and emerging technologies)
-Industrial Leadership (specific supports for SMEs and for enabling industrial technologies )
-Societal challenges (citizens and business on topics such as health, climate, food, security, transport and energy.)
The indicative budget of €70billion is subject to final agreement on the Multi-Financial Framework (MFF). Further than a proof of Ireland‘s implication, these three agreements help sketching the shape of the future European programs., still waiting for the vote on the final budget.