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Light on the EMFF

The new Common Fishery Policy has been effective from the 1st of January 2014. One may talk about a deep reform of the former system especially in matter of management.

What objectives ?
The management mode may have changed, as i twill be explained, but objectives remain mainly the same. Fish stock must be restored to sustainable levels and the wastefull fishery must be limited. In addition, this new European fisheries policy highlight the social dimension of this activity and it is expected to contribute to employement growth. More specifically, the common fisheries policy implies now :
–    The prohibition  of discharges in the sea
–    Aquaculture support
–    To Support to small-scale and artisanal fisheries
–    To Increase scientific marine  knowledge

Another management mode
He process of decision making is now decentralized.  Decisions are made by the local experts and by the actors on the ground. Each Member State draws up a single operational programme to implement the Union priorities to be co-financed by the EMFF that the Commission approves. The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund appeared since the 25th January after a political agreement between European Parliament and the Council for the periode 2014-2020. 3 of the four pillars of the EMFF are under shared management. They are :
*    Smart, Green Fisherie
*    Smart, Green Aquaculture
*    Sustainable and Inclusive Territorial Development

However, the 4th pillar, Maritime Integrated Policy, is under direct management by European Commission. This strand is actually managed either by the DG MARE, ENVIRONMENT or by EASME. IMP consists in assuring marine knowledge, maritime spatial planning, integrated coastal zone management and integrated maritime surveillance, the protection of the marine environment, in particular its biodiversity, and adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change on coastal areas. Among the financed actions are counted :
– studies;
– projects, including test projects and cooperation projects;
– public information and sharing best practice, awareness raising compaigns
– conferences, seminars and workshops;
– exchange of best practices, coordination activities
– the development, operation and maintenance of IT-systems and networks


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