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Member States’ support for the ALMA youth initiative

The European Commission’s new ALMA (Aim, Learn, Master, Achieve) initiative aims to help disadvantaged young people find their place in the labour market or continue their education. Several Member States are pledging 270 million euro to the initiative.

At an event on youth employment organised by the Commission last week, it was announced that more than half of the Member States have committed to implementing the ALMA initiative in their country. ALMA is an initiative for the active inclusion of disadvantaged young people (aged 18-30) not in employment, education or training.

In addition, eight Member States have already pledged approximately 270 million to the ALMA initiative from their European Social Fund (ESF+) programmes.

More commitments are expected to follow, allowing young people from all over Europe to benefit from this new initiative.


First Member States pledge around €270 million to implement ALMA initiative


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