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New developments for the Most Deprived (FEAD)

An informal agreement was adopted by the European Parliament Tuesday, February 25th in order to maintain support for the most deprived people to the current level of 3.5 billion euro.

This Fund is the first community initiative that targets the most vulnerable people and child poverty in all Member States.

The Fund replaces the European food aid program of the 2007-2013 period, its scope is also broader. Indeed, the FEAD consists of two sub-programs and is no longer restricted to food aid. The first sub-program will be facing food and material assistance, focusing for example on the distribution of clothing and school supplies. The other is dedicated to the development of social inclusion measures to the poorest through food donations, collecting or distributing materials.

These extended actions areas will allow a different distribution of assistance compared to the old period. National authorities may use the Fund in a way that best suits their domestic context. National programs for the Fund implementation should engage social inclusion measures to help people get out of the spiral of poverty and exclusion.

Another change in the management of this Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) is the number of beneficiary states, which goes from 21 to 28. The budget by country will be less important. Thus, for France, the difference will be filled in for 2014 by the State.

Moreover, as the number of people at risk of poverty or exclusion in Europe has increased by about 4 million between 2009 and 2011 in the aftermath of the crisis, the associations’ role in the implementation and monitoring of various facets of this Fund should be strengthened.

In this sense, the Member States most affected by the crisis should receive co-financing rate up to 95% of the total eligible costs, beneficiaries such as associations fighting against poverty, may request up to 85% of European subsidies.

The decrease of at least 20 million of people in poverty or exclusion situations is one of the objectives of the Fund, shared with those of the Europe 2020 strategy. The next step is the adoption of the agreement by the Council to cover as quickly as possible expenditures incurred since January, 1st 2014.


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