25 August 2021
REACT-EU : available funding for your recovery projects !
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REACT-EU : a new mechanism to address the health crisis’ consequences
The COVID-19 pandemic has deeply affected the European Union on health, social and economic levels. To help repair the damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic, a Recovery plan has been adopted by the EU.
REACT-EU, Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe, will provide additional funding to existing 2014-2020 programmes in order to ensure a European economic recovery.
What does REACT-EU fund ?
REACT-EU will cover the followings fields : investment in health facilities, support for enterprises, ecological transition, digital economy and employment.
Each region defines its own priorities which are translated in the regional agreements for REACT-EU’s implementation and the Operational Programmes, that are both currently being finalized.
Follow the adoption of the texts on the traditional websites dedicated to the ESIF “L’Europe s’engage en [name of the Region]”, in order to learn about the opportunities within your territories.
What is the budget for France ?
The budget planned for France is an envelope of 3.09 billion euros for 2021 and an envelope of 822 million euros for 2022. These envelopes are shared between the regions and between the ERDF, ESF and FEAD funds of the 2014-2020 period.
The advantage for project leaders lies in the funding which can be increased up to 100 of the total eligible cost, as well as in the possibility to cover expenses from the 1st of February 2020.
The project must demonstrate a connection with the crisis, whether to mitigate the effects of the crisis or to prepare for a digital and ecological recovery.
Feel free to speak to your usual contacts within the Managing authorities to find out about the application procedure and the provisional timetable for the publication of calls related to REACT-EU.
How can you benefit ?
REACT-EU was intended as a transition between the emergency measures taken by the European Union and the future 2021-2027 programmes.
The objective to quickly impact on the real economy implies funding mature projects that can be implemented swiftly.
Consequently, depending on the region, project leaders can already submit their grant applications on the various dedicated platforms such as E-Synergie or Ma démarche FSE.
The procedure to set up and manage a project is similar to the “classic” procedure for ESIF projects. You are therefore encouraged to read all the available guides (project leader’s guide, beneficiary’s guide, etc) which include all the Community obligations.
We also draw the attention of the project leaders to the articulation between REACT-EU and RFF (the Recovery and Resilience Facility) which cannot be used for the same action.
REACT-EU is the opportunity to fund a recovery project. Funding measures are currently being launched for projects running until the end of 2023.
It is therefore time to train and equip your teams to optimize and secure the grant to be received. Welcomeurope stands ready to provide any guidance and support.
25 August 2021