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“Stability, Jobs and Growth”, Irish EU Presidency begins 1st of January

On 1st of January, Ireland begins the “Trio EU Presidencies” together with Lithuania and Greece
“We must focus in the next 18 months on further restoring economic stability across Europe and building strong foundations for lasting economic growth and sustainable jobs.”

The Presidency Trio helps ensure greater continuity between the six month rotating Presidencies of the Council of the EU. Presidencies are organized into groups of 3 and plan the work of the Council over an 18-month period. Ireland is the first Presidency in the Trio with Lithuania (second half 2013) and Greece (first half 2014). Established in 2007, the trio Presidency system helps to support a longer period to achieve expected results in negotiations between member states.

During this period, Ireland will be at the heart of EU decision making, helping to shape policies and drive forward legislation that will impact on the futures of over 500 million EU citizens

Ireland defined its main goals as followed:
1.    People-centred recovery, designed to last
Ireland will
–    work to implement the Union’s new economic governance measures and in particular the European Semester process so that Member States, and the Union as a whole, can work together to drive reform and create the conditions for growth.  
–    seek to restore confidence in the financial sector by making progress on the Banking Union proposals and financial services reform.  
–    address the critical levels of youth joblessness across the EU by making progress on the Youth Employment and Youth Guarantee proposals.

2.    Investment in job-friendly growth and in Europe’s resources
The Irish Presidency will put a strong emphasis on:
–    pursuing a number of measures aimed at the Small and Medium Enterprises.
–    strengthening Europe’s Digital Economy by advancing measures in areas including cyber security, e-signatures/e-Identification, data protection, high-speed broadband rollout and web accessibility.
–    securing agreement on the EU’s future financing for the 2014 to 2020 period and to working with other Member States and the European Parliament on the key programmes that can underpin strong economic growth and social cohesion in Europe, including CAP, the Horizon 2020 research and innovation framework programme, and cohesion funding.

3.    Europe and the world: a win-win engagement with our partners
Ireland will
–    pursue the enlargement agenda and support the work of the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy in strengthening relations with neighbors.
–    place particular focus on development and humanitarian policy and especially on the continuing global hunger crisis and climate change.
–    will work for stronger EU-UN relations, especially in the area of crisis management and peace support operations.
–    work to strengthen trade relations and open new markets with third countries, creating opportunities for enterprise, leading to more jobs and growth.

Internet Link: www.eu2013.ie


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