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The European Commission announces more than 100 million euro to finance ten new projects within Life program

101.2 million euro are invested in the Life program which promotes actions for the environment and actions in favour of climate, according to the European Commission, in order to finance ten new projets, inclunding two french.

* The Life IP Artisan project – “Increasing territories’ resilience to climate change by encouraging “nature-based adaptation solutions” – which aims to promote “nature-based adaptation solutions” that combat the negative consequences of climate change by preserving, managing and restoring ecosystems, with a positive impact on biodiversity. With a budget of 16.65 million euro, this project, contributes to the implementation of France’s second climate change adaptation plan (Pnacc-2, 2018-2002). It consists in particular of implementing ten projects throughout the country in order to demonstrate the diversity of solutions;

* The Life IP Affap project (alignment of the French and European action plans for sustainable finance) in the field of sustainable finance, which aims to strengthen the capacities of supervisory authorities to implement regulations in this area; to strengthen standards relating to the relevance of climate risk measurements, the comparability of information disclosed, the validity of green marketing claims; and the implementation of a genuine offer of “green” financial products. The project, coordinated by Ademe, has been allocated more than 17.7 million euro.



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