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The European Investment Advisory Hub: 3rd pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe

The European Investment Advisory Hub is a joint initiative by the European Commission and the European Investment Bank, and is part of the Investment Plan for Europe.

The Investment Plan for Europe is a plan aimed at stimulate growth and employment in Europe. The origin of this project is based on the following observation; a reduced investment in Europe since December 2007, the beginning of the economic crisis. The objective of the Investment Plan for Europe, also called “Juncker Plan” should stimulate investment in order to relaunch the European economy.

The Investment Plan for Europe is divided into three pillars:
1) The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI);
2) The regulatory component;
3) The European Investment Project Portal and the European Investment Advisory Hub (The “Hub”).

The “Hub” is a single access point that provides tailored advice and technical assistance to public and private developers. This portal, at the joint initiative by the European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB), can group projects according to a thematic or geographic approach and to redirect applications to advisory programmes such as JASPERS (Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions), EPEC (European PPP Expertise Centre), ELENA (“European Local Energy Assistance”) or InnovFin Advisory in order to provide the local knowledge of the national development banks (BND). Indeed, the role of the BND in the implementation of the Investment Plan for Europe is essential due to their expertise and their knowledge of local businesses as well as national policies and strategies of each State. In practical terms the support established by the “Hub” can be deployed during the project preparation and implementation.


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