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The European Week of Regions and Cities 2016

The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual event that aims at encouraging cities and regions to be more involved in the conception and the implementation of European policy.

What is The European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC)?

The European Week of Regions and Cities, before known as “OPEN DAYS” event, was created in 2003. It is an annual Brussels-based four-day event during which regions and cities’ actors can exchange good practices and know-how in the field of regional and urban development. It is also an acknowledged platform for political communication in relation to the development of EU Cohesion Policy, raising the awareness of decision-makers about the fact that regions and cities matter in EU policy-making. The programme of this event is composed of some 100 workshops, debates, exhibitions and networking events on regional and local development. The organisers adapt the programme every year to the specific context of the EU agenda. Participation in the European Week of Regions and Cities is free of charge.

Who are the organisers?

The European Week of Regions and Cities is jointly organised by the EU Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO). Usually in January, they launch a call for partners for the EWRC in that year. Following the call, over 200 partners from all over Europe are selected, usually during the spring: regions and cities, mainly grouped into thematic consortia (‘regional partnerships’), companies, financial institutions, international associations or academic organisations. Partners have to organise seminars of common interest, often in the context of implementing European Structural and Investment Funds and other EU programmes.

Who should participate?

Participants to the former events had various profiles. Almost half of the participants worked for regional or local administrations. The rest of the participants were people form national administrations, EU institutions, enterprises, civil society organisations, academic /research institutes, consultancy firms …

The European Week of Regions and Cities 2016

14th European Week of Regions and Cities will take place between 10th and 13th October. Under the slogan “Regions and Cities for sustainable and inclusive growth”, sessions, seminars and meetings will be grouped together under the following thematic strands:
– Sustained and sustainable economic growth
– Inclusive economic growth
– Making ESI Funds simpler

Registrations for participation in seminars and workshops will open in July on EWRC website.
If you want to participate in or organise a seminar, find more information on the guide 2016.
If you are still looking for a regional partnership to join, have a look at the list of regional partners still looking for allies to apply as to the European Week of Regions and Cities 2016.
In addition to the Brussels-based workshops, some 250 local events are run from September to November all over Europe.


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