Priorities and funded actions
* To train local and national CSOs in the principle of independent non-mandated observation and to structure the system of independent forest observation by civil society as a whole (mandated and non-mandated)
* Promotion of human rights ;
* Promotion of gender equality;
* Promotion of the rights of marginalized and vulnerable groups;
* Promotion of environmental protection;
* Promotion of the fight against climate change;
* Promotion of free, prior and informed consent (FPIC)
Among the actions financed
* Carry out a diagnosis of the strengths and weaknesses of the CSO members of the Sustainable Forest Management Platform (SFMP) and the structuring of the Platform;
* Contribute to the elaboration of the strategic framework for independent forest monitoring with all stakeholders. This will bring together the activities of mandated and non-mandated REM. It shall contain, among others, the roles and responsibilities of the actors, the modalities for conducting activities, data collection protocols, reporting formats, communication and information flow modalities between actors, collaboration and coordination modalities between mandated and non-mandated REM. The objective of this framework is to be able to set up a quality management system for the work of the RO that meets the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard;
* Contribute to the operationalization of the Standardized System of Independent External Observation (SNOIE) in the Republic of Congo;
* To develop a capacity building plan for CSOs taking part in REM including performance and impact indicators. This strengthening plan should include both group training modules and personalized support including theoretical and field sessions;
* Train national and local CSOs (i) in basic techniques of non-mandated REM (rights of local communities vis-à-vis loggers, data collection and analysis, documentation, writing quality reports, information restitution etc.) and (ii) in strategic planning of their activities and impact monitoring;
* If necessary, develop/improve with national and local CSOs methodologies for independent monitoring of aspects of forest governance of interest to them;
* Facilitate and carry out regular non-mandated REM field missions to forest departments;
* Train CSOs in the principle of advocacy
Additional information
* This is a restricted call for proposals. In the first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated
* Initial duration of the action: between 30 and 36 months
* Eligibility:
– To be a legal person;
– Have no profit motive;
– Belong to the following category: civil society organization;
– Be established in one of the countries eligible under the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement in accordance with the rules laid down in Annex IV to that Agreement, as revised by Decision No 1/2014 of the ACP-EU Council of Ministers of 20 June 2014 (2014/428/EU);
– Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and the affiliated entity or entities, and not act as an intermediary;
– The lead applicant may act either individually or with one or more co-applicants
* Actions must be implemented at national and departmental level in the Republic of Congo