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11th EDF – Support for a credible electoral process, inclusive and transparent in Niger – 2020

Grants for projets aiming to promote an economical, cultural and social development of the African, Caribbean, Pacific and oversees countries, to strengthen peace and security and to promote a stable and democratic political environment

1.2 million euros

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions Africa-Carribean-Pacific


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Priorities and funded actions

* Lot 1: Promoting democratic and transparent electoral governance in Niger;
* Lot 2: Promoting an inclusive, transparent and peaceful electoral process

* Access by the people of Niger, particularly young people and women, to good information on electoral matters (including the rights of citizens to be elected and to elect according to their choice) enabling them to participate actively and informed in the process;
* Electoral observation, including monitoring and observation to ensure compliance with the Constitution and electoral laws, and production of an observation report for each of the three elections (for local, legislative and presidential elections)

Amongst financed actions
* Lot 1:
– Animation and awareness-raising action for citizens, young people and women, in particular (including those from political parties) on:
> The electoral process;
> Their rights and duties as citizens;
> The stakes of elections and their participation as voters and candidates;
> Their duties as citizens beyond the electoral process;
> Their responsibilities in the proper conduct of the electoral cycle, including the prevention of electoral violence;
> Mobilization and preparation of youth and women for their active participation in the electoral process through training and sensitization sessions

* Lot 2:
– Establishment and deployment of an election observation mechanism by a collective or network of national CSOs (umbrella organisation);
– Implementation through election observation missions by CSOs grouped within one or two network(s)/platform(s)/administrative organisation(s):
> Training of independent local observers ;
> Development of tools and rules for observation and monitoring of elections, ;
> Travel and deployment of observers to polling stations;
> Preparation and publication of observation/monitoring reports by local CSOs)

Additional information
* This call for proposals is a restricted call for proposals. In the first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated

* Initial duration of the action: up to 16 months

* Eligibility:
– To be a legal entity or a natural person;
– Have no profit motive;
– belong to one of the following categories of organisations: non-governmental organisation, public sector operator, local authority, international (intergovernmental) organisation as defined in Article 156 of the Financial Regulation of the European Union;
– Be established in Niger;
– Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and the affiliated entity or entities, and not act as an intermediary:
> Be an organisation working in the field of good governance, human rights, citizen participation, gender, youth;
> Have proven experience in electoral matters (electoral civic education, prevention of electoral violence, electoral observation, accompaniment of electoral processes, etc.);
> Demonstrate a good knowledge of the electoral cycle;
Demonstrate a good knowledge of the administrative and institutional organization of Niger;
> Demonstrate a good knowledge of the electoral cycle; > Demonstrate a good knowledge of the administrative and institutional organization of Niger
> Demonstrate experience in civic education, particularly electoral civic education;
> Demonstrate proven experience in electoral matters;
> And to this effect, demonstrate expertise and experience in support/accompaniment to Niger’s electoral processes
– Two or more applicants meeting the above criteria may form a consortium to form a single applicant

* The actions must be implemented in Niger and will cover the entire national territory, as far as possible



* Indicative budget per lot:
– Lot 1: 500,000 euros
– Lot 2: 700,000 euros

* Grant amount:
– Lot 1: between 250,000 and 500,000 euros
– Lot 2: between 350,000 and 700,000 euros

* Co-financing rate: up to 100% of the total eligible costs

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