Priorities and funded actions
*Selecting one applicant from Belgium, Czechia, Greece, Ireland and the Netherlands with which Cedefop will conclude a 46-month Framework partnership agreement
* To support evidence-based decision-making in VET, research findings, key documents and statistical data need to underpin analyses;
* To help raising the visibility of Cedefop, its products and more generally VET issues at national level. The national ReferNet partner acts as multiplier and dissemination channel in the country, targeting various audiences;
* To report on VET policy and the way VET-related objectives of Europe’s 2020 and post-2020 strategy and other European VET and related policy priorities are being addressed in their countries;
* To provide up-to-date information on VET systems and the way VET is developing in their country;
* To deliver thematic and other support to complement the information on VET systems and/or address topical information needs;
* To carry out visibility activities, including maintenance and update of a national ReferNet site
Among financed activities
* Reporting on VET and VET-related policy;
* Reporting on VET systems;
* Ad-hoc thematic and other support;
* Visibility activities, including maintenance and update of a national ReferNet website
Additional information
* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
* Initial duration of the action: 46 months
* Eligibility:
– Be a public or a private organisation, with a legal status and legal personality;
– Demonstrate expertise in VET or labour market issues;
– Be established in Belgium, Czechia, Greece, Ireland or in the Netherlands
* Global budget for ReferNet Workplan 2020 : 980,000 euro
* Amount of the grant for Belgium, Czechia, Greece, Ireland and the Netherlands: up to 33 258 euro
* Co-financing rate: up to 70% of the total eligible costs
* At least 30 % of the total estimated eligible expenditure of the project must come from sources other than the budget of the European Union