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CEF 2 Digital – 5G coverage along transport corridors – Studies – 2022

The 2nd generation of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF-2 programme) “Digital” strand (2021-2027) aims to support and catalyse investments in digital connectivity infrastructures of common interest.

6 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Beneficiaries All beneficiaries
Regions European Union

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Priorities and funded actions


To prepare the actual deployment work of the first big wave of deployment to be launched after the conclusion of the studies.


Provide a basis for the deployment plan, concrete deliverables in terms of deployed infrastructure, coverage and service capabilities, utilization of existing infrastructure (fibre, power, ground space etc.), associated costs as well as the assessment of market failure for each relevant action.

Among financed actions 

Provide as a result of the studies the following elements:

  • Exact location of the corridor, including the different cross-border sections, detailed definition of service requirements along the corridor allowing for business continuity across borders, full network planning including the spectrum bands used, and concrete deliverables enabling to specify and financially quantify the investment required for infrastructure deployment
  • Coordination mechanisms to ensure business continuity across the border, in particular regarding spectrum management and numbering, i.e. description of the scenario(s) and processes to guarantee a network hand-over meeting targeted CAM service requirements
  • Cost calculation and a cost-benefit analysis to identify economically viable and non-viable sections of the corridor where CEF-funding of 5G connectivity infrastructure deployment would be needed and justified according to the guidance set forth by the Commission in its Work Programme
  • Timeline of the work plan (finalisation of network planning, permit requests, preparation of works, works, testing, service launch)
  • Network upgrade plans according to an evolutionary path enabling a densification of radio networks that would allow moving towards higher levels of automation, if possible up to full automation
  • Definition of the cooperation model(s) between the different members of the consortium outlining the roles and responsibilities of each involved party in the deployment project, including financing, ownership, infrastructure deployment, network sharing agreements – if any, network operations and commercial service provision
  • Definition of the processes enabling coordination and synergies between funding of works, as well as in combination with any other relevant public funding programmes at EU, national and regional/local levels that could be used for the purposes of this first phase of deployment work or subsequent projects
  • Identification of financing solutions for subsequent phases (based on the roadmap described above) possibly using a mix of grants and loans, e.g. under the CEF Digital blending facility

Additional information 

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
  • Initial duration of the action: 6 months


Be legal entities (public or private bodies).

  • Total budget of the call: 106 million euro
  • Total budget of the topic “5G coverage along transport corridors – Studies”: 6 million euro
  • Amount of the grant: 300,000 million euro
  • Co-financing rate: up to 50% of the total eligible costs

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