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CEF – Collection of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for road safety – 2020

To gain a clearer understanding of the different issues that influence overall safety performance

5 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Transport
Regions European Union

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Priorities and funded actions

* To assist Member States’ authorities in the collection and harmonised reporting of these indicators;
* To contribute to building the capacity of those Member States’ authorities which have not yet collected;
* To calculate the relevant data for the KPIs

Amongst financed actions
* Definition of common methodological requirements beyond those defined in the Staff Working Document;
* Data collection work, including fieldwork when appropriate;
* Calculation of the KPIs for road safety on the basis of the data collected and presentation in the harmonised format to report to the European Commission;
* Training of the personnel involved in the data collection and data processing for any of the KPI as defined in the Staff Working Document;
* Management of the consortium by the consortium coordinator, coordination of the work and activities carried out in the Member States participating in the consortium and compilation of the KPIs results corresponding to the Member States members of the consortium.

Additional information
* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals;

* The consortium must be composed of at least eight Member States;

* Duration of the grant: activities are to be completed by 31/12/2021;

* Eligibility:
–  Be an EU Member State authority, such as national road safety authorities or road safety agencies approved by the competent Member State Ministry


* The Commission intends to award one grant

* The amount granted for any one member of the consortium cannot exceed 320,000 euro

* Co-financing rate:
– Activities 1 to 4: up to 50% of the total eligible costs;
– Activity 5: up to 100% of the total eligible costs

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