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CEF D – Preparation of works for Operational digital platforms – 2023

CEF D - Preparation of works for Operational digital platforms aiming at supporting EU environmental and energy targets as well as the ongoing energy crisis, by providing both technologies and connectivity to enable a cyber-secure Internet of Energy

6 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Energy Research & Innovation Technology & Digital
Beneficiaries Large company (> 250 employees) Research centre & university Smes & Start-Ups (< 249 Employees)
Regions European Union

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To support EU environmental and energy targets as well as the ongoing energy crisis, by providing both technologies and connectivity to enable a cyber-secure Internet of Energy


  • Priority 1: exploratory study to prepare baselines and identify and shortlist use cases in energy, mobility and cross-sector energy/mobility
    • Sub-Priority 1: to define the needs in digitalising the cross-border energy and/or transport infrastructure between Member States
    • Sub-Priority 2: to identify criteria and recommendations for selecting appropriate and most credible, within standard constraints
    • Sub-Priority 3: to identify relevant technologies, architectures and standards
    • Sub-Priority 4: to identify relevant stakeholders
    • Sub-Priority 5: to identify possible governance options
  • Priority 2: feasibility study for the shortlisted cases
    • Sub-Priority 1: to create a high-level description, solution architecture and governance scheme
    • Sub-Priority 2: to create a cost-benefit analysis
  • Priority 3: detailed preparations for the shortlisted cases
    • Sub-Priority 1: to create detailed design/architecture for each of the cases
    • Sub-Priority 2: to define key performance indicators for each of the cases
    • Sub-Priority 3: to create detailed governance scheme and get feed-back and buy-in from the identified stakeholders
  • Priority 4: assistance to projects coming from the first call for works
    • Sub-Priority 1: to transfer all documentation and know-how
    • Sub-Priority 2: to fine-tune the documentation according to the works project reality
    • Sub-Priority 3: to prepare recommendations for future work

Among financed actions

  • Prepare procurement templates and framework agreements
  • Prepare purchasing orders for potential suppliers for the final deployment including integration and SLAs
  • Testing environment

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
  • Initial duration of the action: 27 months


  • Be legal entities (public or private bodies)
  • Be established in one of the EU Member States
  • A consortium composed of at least 3 entities, established in at least 2 different EU Member States must be constituted
  • Total budget of the call: 6 million euro
  • Total budget of the topic “CEF-DIG-2022-TA-PLATFORMS”: 4 million euro
  • Amount of the grant: up to 4 million euro
  • Co-financing rate: up to 100% of the total eligible costs

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