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CEF – Technical Assistance CESNI – 2021

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Transport is the funding instrument to realise European transport infrastructure policy. It aims at supporting investments in building new transport infrastructure in Europe or rehabilitating and upgrading the existing one.

5.2 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Transport
Regions European Union

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To provide technical support to the preparation, development and implementation of standards and to advice and analysis in the field of vessel technical requirements, professional qualifications and information technologies in the context of the implementation of the CESNI strategic guidelines validated by DG MOVE in 2021.


  • Priority 1: Adopting technical standards in various fields, in particular as regards vessels, information technology and crew;
  • Priority 2: Deliberating on the uniform interpretation and application of the said standards, on the method for applying and implementing the corresponding procedures, on procedures for exchanging information, and on the supervisory mechanisms among the Member States;
  • Priority 3: Deliberating on derogations and equivalences of technical requirements for a
    specific craft;
  • Priority 4: Deliberating on priority topics regarding safety of navigation, protection of the environment, and other areas of inland navigation.

Among financed activities

  • Administrative secretariat services required to allow CESNI to implement the CESNI Strategic Guideline and the Work Programme 2022-2024 in an effective and efficient way;
  • Information and communication activities related to the functioning of CESNI;
  • Preparation of working documents and research notes to support the development of standards of the CESNI work programme;
  • Preparation of evaluations of existing standards and impact studies for future draft standards foreseen under CESNI work programme;
  • Elaboration of the WP 2025-2027 in line with the CESNI strategic guidelines validated by DG MOVE in 2021.

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals.
  • Initial duration of the action: 72 months.


  • Be European Committee for drawing up standards in the field of inland navigation (CESNI).
  • Total amount of the call: 6.6 million euro
  • Total amount for this topic: 5.2 million euro
  • Indicative budget per project: 5.2 million euro
  • Co-financing rate: up to 100% of the total eligible costs

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