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CERV – Call for proposals to promote gender equality – 2022

The Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme aims to sustain and develop open, rights-based, democratic, equal and inclusive societies based on the rule of law, to protect and promote rights and values as enshrined in the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights.

6.8 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions European Union

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To support, advance and implement comprehensive policies to promote women’s full enjoyment of rights, freedom from gender stereotypes, gender equality, including work-life balance, women’s empowerment and gender mainstreaming.


  • Priority 1: Equal participation and representation of women and men in political and economic decision making;
  • Priority 2: Tackling gender stereotypes, including with a focus on youth, and in advertising and the media.

Among financed activities

  • Development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of comprehensive national strategies by Member States’ responsible authorities to achieve equal participation/representation of women and men in politics and economic life;
  • Mutual learning and identification/exchange of good practices between Member States’ responsible authorities and/or between relevant stakeholders;
  • Development and/or dissemination of high quality tools and/or successful strategies aiming to achieve equal participation/representation of women and men in politics and in economic life and to address gender stereotypes and to provide alternative models;
  • Awareness-raising activities, such as seminars, conferences, campaigns, publications, press activities and social media campaigns;
  • Developing/strengthening cooperation/networking between key stakeholders, such as national and/or regional/local authorities and/or their associations, equality bodies, civil society organisations, in particular women’s organisations, and increased coalition building;
  • Capacity building and training for relevant professionals, in particular awareness-raising activities for professionals working with youth (e.g. in schools or extracurricular activities), or professionals in the media and advertising sectors.

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals.
  • Initial duration of the action: 24 months.


  • Be a legal person;
  • Be a public or private entity;
  • Organisations which are profit-oriented must submit applications in partnership with public entities or private non-profit organisations;
  • The project can be either national or transnational;
  • The application must involve at least two organisations (applicant and partner).
  • Amount of the grant: not lower than 75,000 euro
  • Co-financing rate: up to 90% of the total eligible costs

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