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CREA – Networks of European Cinemas – 2024

Creative Europe - Creative Europe aims at preserving, developing and promoting European cultural and linguistic diversity and heritage and to increase the competitiveness and economic potential of the cultural and creative sectors, in particular the audiovisual sector.

15 million euro

Appeal framework

Call reference CREA-MEDIA-2024-CINNET
Program Creative Europe Programme (CREA)
Institution European Commission
Sectors Business & Industry Cooperation & Development Culture, Media & Communication Research & Innovation
Beneficiaries Media & cultural organisation Professional organisation & network

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To enhance the circulation, promotion, online and theatrical distribution of European audiovisual works, within the Union and internationally in the new digital environment; including through innovative business models
  • To promote European audiovisual works, heritage works, and support audience the engagement and development of audiences of all ages, in particular young audiences, across Europe and beyond


  • Priority 1: Encourage cinema operators to screen a significant proportion of non-national European films through incentives and collaborative projects
  • Priority 2: Contribute to raise and increase the interest of the audience for non-national films including through the development of activities for young cinema-goers
  • Priority 3: Help those cinemas to adapt their strategy to the changing environment including by promoting innovative approaches in terms of audience reach and engagement, as wells as l partnerships with other film industry operators as well as with local cultural institutions
  • Priority 4: Encourage exchange of best practice, knowledge sharing and other forms of cross border collaboration amongst members of the network
  • Priority 5: Contribute to the policy dialogue on the film industry by collecting data and disseminating the outcome of the activities of the network beyond its members

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals.
  • Initial duration of the action: up to 21 months
  • Total budget of the call: 15 million euro
  • Total budget of the topic: 15 million euro
  • Amount of the grant: no limit
  • Co-financing rate: 95% of the total eligible costs

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