Priorities and funded actions
* Lot 1: To enhance the capacity of civil society to promote and empower persons with disabilities; to ensure that people with disabilities can fully enjoy their rights in Liberia;
* Lot 2: To enhance the capacity of civil society actors on national, county and community level to ensure informed and equal access to land rights in Liberia
* Lot 1:
– To develop sustainable capacities of people with disabilities to advocate and become acknowledged counterparts of public authorities and other key stakeholders in the development and implementation of policies targeting the inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) and offering skill training to people with disability;
– To increase CSO’s national level lobbying and advocacy on disability issues using a rights-based approach;
– Building the capacity of persons with disabilities through skill trainings and inclusion
* Lot 2:
– Community boundaries are clearly defined, recorded and surveyed in accordance with national regulations and through well-trained personnel;
– Community engagement for land use planning is enhanced and improved to allow for free, prior and informed consent, inclusiveness and good governance in all land matters;
– Information about land sector reforms and land rights are communicated clearly, widely and without enhancing legal disputes and conflicts throughout the country
Among financed actions
* Lot 1:
– Advocacy, lobbying and development of strategies by civil society organisations to push for legal reform or to influence policy-making;
– Support to monitor, advocate and pilot more effective and inclusive youth employment strategies, and decent work opportunities;
– Provide a platform for awareness creation and engagement on the rights of people with disabilities in accordance with international best practises;
– Capacity building of country-based civil society organisations to advocate on the rights of people with disabilities;
– Capacity building of civic and political actors to develop responsive policy platforms, adequately representing the interests of people with disabilities;
– Awareness-raising and communication campaigns;
– Promoting inclusive and strategic partnerships, networking and cooperation with civil society organisations and other relevant stakeholders promoting the rights of people with disabilities;
– Training of people with disabilities in technical and vocational education (gender sensitive);
– Providing coaching for people with disabilities to enhance skills for employment or entrepreneurship after training;
– Create awareness and promote inclusiveness among community dwellers and people with disabilities in the communities;
– Sub-granting to local registered civil society organisations
* Lot 2:
– Activities that enhance education and awareness about land rights, secure land tenure and land use management in Liberia through:
> Capacity building of county-based civil society organisations to carry out land rights related education and outreach;
> Develop and disseminate innovative, non-literacy based means of communication and outreach;
> Education and awareness on land management in accordance to international best practices ;
> Supporting the transformative process of engendering social change in particular by challenging stereotypes on women’s right to land
– Activities that support community self-identification and land sector reform by, for instance, executing:
> Training of trainers for community self-identification, in line with the regulations and policies developed by Liberia Land Authority and taking into account lessons learnt from actors in the field;
> Supporting communities to identify, document and strengthen their customary land rights in full accordance with the provisions set out by the Liberia Land Authority;
> Support to data collection and archiving, particularly GIS data collection and mapping of ongoing activities;
> Scaling up of existing and previously carried out activities of community self-identification;
> Promoting and piloting sustainable land use planning and income generating activities
– Activities that enhance advocacy and cooperation between all relevant stakeholders, such as:
> Increase the information flow between the capital and the counties to ensure county-level challenges reach national consultation groups;
> Enhance and support follow up, coordination and constructive dialogue with the regulatory bodies, in particular the Land Authority, on the implementation of the land rights related laws and development of the regulations in this regard;
> Improving participation in existing multi-actor partnerships with the private sector and public authorities
– Activities that support dispute resolution with and without legal measures:
> Establish and strengthen local dispute resolution and governance structures;
> Monitor, advocate and pilot effective and inclusive legal support to youth and women for equal access to land rights and land development;
> Technical support and legal counsel and representation for communities for dispute resolution;
> Capacity development and training of communities on conflict management and dispute resolution with and without legal means;
> Promote the participation of individuals and communities to take an active role in managing and resolving conflicts at all levels
Additional information
* This call for proposals is a restricted call for proposals. In the first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated
* Initial duration of the action: between 24 and 36 months
* Eligibility:
– Be a legal person;
– Be non-profit making;
– Be a Civil Society Organisation;
– Be established in Liberia or in any of the following countries:
> Developing countries and territories, as included in the list of ODA recipients published by the OECD-DAC (‘list of ODA recipients’), and overseas countries and territories covered by the Council Decision 2013/755/EU;
> Member State of the European Union or other eligible country as indicated in Regulation n°236/2014 laying down common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union’s instruments for financing external action
– Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary, and;
– In case the lead applicant is not established in Liberia, apply with at least one co-applicant established in Liberia
* Actions must take place in Liberia. Actions must take place in at least 3 counties of Liberia
* Indicative allocation of funds by lot:
– Lot 1: 550,000 euros
– Lot 2: 1,337,000 euros
* Grant amount:
– Lot 1: between 400,000 and 550,000 euros
– Lot 2: between 668,500 and 1,337,000 euros
* Co-financing rate: between 50% and 90% of the total eligible costs