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DCI – Civil Society Organisations as Actors of Governance and Development Armenia – 2020

To strengthen cooperation, exchange of knowledge and experience and capacities of civil society organisations and local authorities in partner countries

3 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Health
Regions European Union

Member States of the European Union

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Priorities and funded actions

* Lot 1: Reduction of poverty, inequality and vulnerability, focusing on solutions addressing the causes and effects of poverty and inequality through enhancing civil society capacity to revitalize public discourse on inequality and poverty,  to advocate for poverty (income and consumption poverty, education and learning poverty, health and nutrition poverty, etc.) reduction policies, to develop replicable services for tackling different dimension of poverty and to enhance capacity of vulnerable groups to manage economic and social risks, shocks i.e. Covid19 crisis;
* Lot 2: Youth participation, focusing on strengthening the rights of young people and their empowerment and involvement in public affairs through enhancing capacity of young people and youth organisations to enable youth civic engagement through formal and non-formal education, to promote student democracy, to support youth dialogue with policy-makers and to advocate for youth-responsive policies;
* Lot 3: Climate change adaptation, environmental protection and sustainable management of local resources, focusing on sustainable and green  development through enhancing civil society capacity to monitor implementation of key environmental policies, to ensure access to environmental information, to raise awareness and advocate for conservation, environmental protection and relevant climate change adaptation measures in Armenia, to promote environmentally conscious practices,  better management of community biodiversity, better management and maintenance of public spaces

Among financed actions 
* Lot 1:
– Baseline studies on undocumented areas related to poverty and vulnerability in Armenia;
– Assessments/analysis of effectiveness and consequences of policy interventions on the well-being of the poor and vulnerable groups;
– Budget analysis to influence budget making processes, budget allocations, pro-poor budgeting and monitoring of key national promises;
– Policy dialogue, lobbying and advocacy campaigns and promoting actions to address inequality and poverty (income and consumption poverty, education and learning poverty, health and nutrition poverty, etc.) in Armenia;
– Mobilisation of the poor and vulnerable citizens to actively participate in deciding their development priorities and engaging with the policy makers;
– Awareness raising activities to put the spotlight on poverty and inequality, to generate public discussion and debate on existing poverty and inequalities in Armenia and means to address those;
– Support review/development of curriculum for university students (majoring in sociology, social work, economics, law, pedagogy, etc.) addressing the problems of poverty and inequality in collaboration with academia in EU member states;
– Review/mapping of existing services offered to the poor and vulnerable groups and design and piloting of innovative, replicable services for tackling poverty and improving the quality of life of vulnerable groups (e.g. services for the elderly, people with disabilities, children in especially difficult circumstances, etc.);
– Training and capacity building of the poor and vulnerable to manage economic and social risks and to break the cycle of poverty (e.g. trainings to increase financial literacy among vulnerable groups; skills trainings etc.);
– Capacity building of CSOs to better understand and analyse poverty and to act jointly for advocating for poverty reduction policies;
– Networking and collaboration between CSOs working on poverty reduction and exchanges with European anti-poverty networks and organisations

* Lot 2:
– Elaboration of curricula and educational tools for civic education in the formal education system and non-formal learning settings to promote to promote critical thinking and analytical capacity among youth and  development of social skills and competences related to democratic values and human rights such as the freedom of expression and the respect of diversity, etc.;
– Support to student councils (in high schools and universities) to promote student democracy;
– Organisation of mock decision-making processes with youth participation to facilitate their understanding of democratic mechanisms;
– Youth empowerment and promotion of active citizenship through volunteering, service-learning and youth-led participatory action research;
– Expanding opportunities for dialogue at local, regional and national level between young people and policy makers from all policy fields that affect youth to give them the opportunity to have their say in decision-making processes;
– Development of tools that enable young people’s understanding of public policies, highlighting the aspects relevant for youth;
– Lobbying and advocacy to improve youth policies and develop youth-responsive policies;
– Workshops, conferences and capacity building events to promote youth participation;
– Capacity building of youth organisations for effective facilitation of youth development and networking with European youth organisations

* Lot 3:
– Baseline studies/monitoring and documentation of the current state of play on environment and climate change policies (e.g. on waste, water, air and biodiversity);
– Support citizen access to user-friendly environmental information and data;
– Policy dialogue, lobbying and advocacy for design and implementation of strategies and policies for environmental protection and relevant climate change adaptation measures in line with the EU’s Green Deal priorities;
– Trainings, workshops and seminars (e.g. for journalists, students, etc.) on sustainable and green development;
– Environmental education and public awareness/behavioural change campaigns aimed at transition to climate-resilient, low-emission circular economy;
– Annual nationwide clean-up campaigns; bio-diversity week for schools/communities; recycle, reuse, recycle campaigns;
– Support to citizen-driven urban and rural planning initiatives, co-creation of strategies to tackle local environmental challenges;
– Support to community groups and organizations working to reconnect people with their natural environment, and cultivation of champions within the community in protecting the nature;
– Collaborative development/renovation of recreational spaces;
– Local initiatives on urban greening, e.g. urban gardening, greening schools for biodiversity;
– Re-use and repair initiatives, e.g. repair workshops, circular makerspaces, etc.;
– Capacity building of CSOs to monitor and evaluate environmental problems, participate in policy planning and decision-making processes, and advocate for mainstreaming climate change, environmental sustainability and the pursuit of green growth into national and local development strategies and to generate awareness of environmental issues;
– Networking and collaboration between environmental CSOs and exchanges with European environmental organisations

Additional information
* This call for proposals is a restricted call for proposals. In the first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated

* Initial duration of the action: between 24 and 36 months 

* Eligibility:
– Be a legal person;
– Be non-profit-making;
– Be a non-governmental organisation;
– Be established in a Member State of the European Union or in Armenia;
– Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary

* Actions must take place in the Republic of Armenia (at least in 3 marzes of Armenia), as recognised by the international law, and must directly benefit the Armenian society. However, some project activities may take place in EU member states and in the Eastern Neighbourhood region, such as participation in events, and attendance of meetings and conferences as long as they clearly contribute to the achievement of the project’s overall objective. Such cases need to be duly justified


* Indicative allocation of funds by lot:
– Lot 1: 1 million euro
– Lot 2: 800 000 euro
– Lot 3: 1.2 million euro

* Grant amount:
– Lot 1: between 400 000 and 600 000 euro
– Lot 2: between 300 000 and 500 000 euro
– Lot 3: between 500 000 and 700 000 euro

* Co-financing rate: between 50% and 90% of the total eligible costs  

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