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DCI – CSO – Delivering for the future: Strengthening civil society capacities and resilience in Armenia through promotion of democratic engagement principles and strategic communication – 2020

Instrument to finance EU's development cooperation activities

2 million euros

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Beneficiaries Media & cultural organisation
Regions European Union, Balkans

EU member states

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Priorities and funded actions

* To strengthen CSO management skills and transformational leadership incl. strategic planning, internal democracy/self-governance principles, transparency, sustainability and resilience to reinforce CSOs as trusted and professional partners;
* To explore, test and promote tools and practices of more strategic communication methods and resources incl. information management and flows towards citizens, particular constituencies and at community, Marz and national level incl. critical thinking, technical incl. financial literacy and preventing/reducing, detecting and actively fight disinformation;
* To support CSOs in their agenda to professionalise volunteering in Armenia and engage closer with other stakeholders e.g in more collaborative approaches with other CS actors, academia, the private sector, youth such as volunteers and launch joint advocacy and learning initiatives incl. in an inclusive and empowering manner and communicate aspirations

* Promoting strategies for overcoming systemic challenges in the CSO sector; inspiring new ideas and encouraging CSOs to think creatively about their work in the long run;
* Combining different approaches and innovative tools for needs-based targeted capacity-building and strategic support to CSOs;
* Offering in-depth tailored organisational development support to a selected group of interested CSO, developing curricula and Training of Trainers (ToT) material and capacities;   
* To explore and pilot new ways of attracting young talents (incl. from the Diaspora) to the non-profit sector and promoting a more strategic, professional, and empowering approach to volunteerism in Armenia, which could include private-public partnership elements too;
* To support the use of evidence-based approaches, modern technology and innovative approaches; engagement of stakeholders building relationships and collaboration between CSOs; supporting joint actions and peer to peer learning;
* Strengthening regional, Yerevan-based and cross-border CS collaboration;
* Galvanising interaction between CSOs and citizens; bringing CSOs and the constituents they serve closer together in addressing priority community issues, improving CSO communication, public outreach strategies, event organisation and transparency/documentation of work to the public and raising the voice of constituencies

Additional information 
* Initial duration of the action: between 36 months and 45 months
* This call is a closed call for proposal. In first instance only concept note will be evaluated

* Eligibility:
– Be a legal person
– Be non-profit-making
– Be a non-governmental organisation
– Be established in a Member State of the European Union or in Armenia
– Have prior experience in implementing and managing larger (at least EUR 1,000,000) civil society capacity development projects.

* Actions must take place in the Republic of Armenia 


* Amount of the grant : between 1,950,000 euros and 2,000,000 euros
* Co-financing rate : between 60% and 95% of the total eligible costs

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