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DCI – Engagement with Civil Society in Indonesia, New Zealand, Thailand and the ASEAN Regional Level – 2020

To strengthen cooperation, exchange of knowledge and experience and capacities of civil society organisations and local authorities in partner countries

1.2 million euros

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Health
Regions European Union, Asia

EU Member States
ASEAN countries

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Priorities and funded actions

* To develop EU’s soft power, understanding of the EU, and build trust through increased dialogue and exchanges between Civil Society Organisations and groupings, from the EU, Indonesia, Thailand, ASEAN region, and New Zealand on issues of common interest or sensitive public opinion issues, through the exchange of practices, standards, cultures, and models
* Lot 1 – Extracurricular programmes on EU models in New Zealand
– To bridge the cultural gap, especially among young people, by promoting a better understanding of the EU, its values and its role as a Global Actor, through EU modules and courses for university and high school students
* Lot 2 – Indonesia-EU Civil Society Networking on Environmental Health
– To facilitate peer-to-peer exchanges of data, ideas, practices and people between civil society organisations, communities and individuals working on Environmental Health1 in the EU and Indonesia, contributing towards increased mutual awareness and capacity through strategic and sustained partnerships
* Lot 3 – Youth and Civil society dialogue on Rethinking Urban Spaces in Thailand
– To encourage exchanges and collaborations between EU and Thailand youth on their role as part of civil society to enhance their impact and voice in rethinking urban spaces and shared habitats, leading to increased awareness and understanding of EU and Thai values as their societies transform
* Lot 4 – EU-ASEAN Think tank dialogues for strategic partnerships
– To promote structured exchanges and intellectual debate between influential European and ASEAN think tanks and academic institutions on the EU-ASEAN collaboration and partnership with a focus on connectivity; security; sustainable development and the EU’s new green deal

* Civil society dialogues between the EU and the target countries;
* Youth and Student engagement;
* Human Rights;
* Sustainable environmental practices;
* Sustainable urbanisation;
* Social innovation;
* Inter-cultural exchanges with the EU;
* Cultural Heritage and cultural innovation

Among financed actions
* Lot 1:
– Development and consolidation of interactive EU teaching and learning modules for extracurricular activities and/or summer schools for students at high school and/or university level, including events, seminars and other opportunities to implement and promote these modules and make them accessible to teachers. The modules must focus on raising awareness of the EU values, institutions, culture and practices, in relation to its partnership and mutual interests with New Zealand;
– Organisation of Model EU simulation events and conferences with university and/or high school students to increase understanding and visibility of the EU in New Zealand, on shared topics of interests between the EU and New Zealand. These events must take place in multiple cities across New Zealand and can include support for participants from diverse socio-economic backgrounds;
– Study trips, workshops, or conferences to foment exchanges between European and New Zealander youth, implementing the people-to-people aspect of the EU-New Zealand Partnership;
– At least one structured exchange per year between the participants of the project and EU and New Zealand stakeholders including the EU Delegation to New Zealand, to discuss EU and New Zealand relations from a Youth perspective. The format and involvement of other stakeholders should be defined by the applicant in the proposal (conference, panel discussion, meeting, etc.)

* Lot 2:
– Peer-to-peer dialogues and exchanges of knowledge and best practices between different stakeholders in campaigning, lobbying and acting in the promotion of Environmental Health;
– Activities to mutually engage communities, e.g. consultations, dialogues, trainings, or other actions;
– Activities that aim to enhance community advocacy on environmental health, including awareness and monitoring of, as well as protection against, the health impact of environmental pollution;
– Media programmes and awareness raising campaigns, as well as social media campaigning aiming to promote community perspectives and actions;
At least one stocktaking encounter/event per year involving EU authorities, local government, and participant of the projects to disseminate results and best practices

* Lot 3: 
– Activities that act as and/or facilitate peer-to-peer exchanges between the EU and Thailand, with a focus on engaging young people in a meaningful and inclusive exchange and/or joint initiatives on the topic of Rethinking Urban Spaces;
– Peer-to-peer activities that aim to raise and enhance the capacity of youth in Thai and European civil society to contribute in decision-making processes and fora related to urbanisation;
– Activities that provide the opportunity for youth in civil society to engage with other key stakeholders and decision-makers in the appropriate processes and spaces (such as community and city councils, local authorities, engagement with relevant private sector companies, etc.);
– Media programmes and advocacy and awareness raising initiatives and campaigns, as well as digital initiatives, networking and collaborations;
Exchanges of best practice, network events, public opinion polls, creation of databases

* Lot 4:
– Think tank-led dialogues, round-tables, conferences, seminars, workshops, exchanges of best practice, networking events on the following topics (one per year): Connectivity; Security; and Sustainable development and New Green Deal;
– Elaboration and dissemination of studies, policy papers, public opinion polls, creation of databases, etc. on the selected topic for the year, to promote discussion and exchange of ideas on how EU and ASEAN can enhance policies;
– Organise and facilitate at least one EU and ASEAN Think Tank Conference per year;
– Media activities including the creation of a dedicated website to disseminate the results of activitiesincluding publication of all papers, studies, and other produced materials

Additional information
* This call for proposals is a restricted call for proposals. In the first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated

* Initial duration of the action: between 24 and 36 months

* Eligiblility:
– Be a legal person;
– Be non-profit-making;
– Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary;
– For Lot 1 – Extracurricular programmes on EU models in New Zealand be a civil society organisation and be established in a Member State of the European Union , in New Zealand or in an eligible country or territory as defined under the Regulation (EU) N°236/2014 establishing common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union’s instruments for external action (CIR) for the applicable Instrument;
– For Lot 2 – Indonesia-EU Civil Society Networking on Environmental Health be a non- governmental organisation or association working with civil society and be established in a Member State of the European Union, in Indonesia or in an eligible country or territory as defined under the Regulation (EU) N°236/2014 establishing common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union’s instruments for external action (CIR) for the applicable Instrument;
– For Lot 3 – Youth and Civil society dialogue on Rethinking Urban Spaces in Thailand be a non-governmental organisation or association working with civil society and be established in a Member State of the European Union, in Thailand or in an eligible country or territory as defined under the Regulation (EU) N°236/2014 establishing common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union’s instruments for external action (CIR) for the applicable Instrument;
– For Lot 4 – EU-ASEAN Think tank dialogues for strategic partnerships be a public or private think-tank, research institute or academic institution (including higher education institutions) that issues post-graduate and higher level degrees and be established in a Member State of the European Union, in a Member State of ASEAN or in an eligible country or territory as defined under the Regulation (EU) N°236/2014 establishing common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union’s instruments for external action (CIR) for the applicable Instrument
– The minimum number of Co-applicants is two if the Lead applicant is established in an eligible country that is not an EU Member State or the target country of the lot. At least one of the Co- applicants must be established in a Member State of the European Union and at least one of the Co-applicants must be established in the target country

* Actions must take place in the ASEAN and / or the EU depending on the lot


* Indicative allocation of funds by lot:
– Lot 1 – Extracurricular programmes on EU models in New Zealand: 300,000 euros
– Lot 2 – Indonesia-EU Civil Society Networking on Environmental Health: 300,000 euros
– Lot 3 – Youth and Civil society dialogue on Rethinking Urban Spaces in Thailand: 300,000 euros
– Lot 4 – EU-ASEAN Think tank dialogues for strategic partnerships: 300,000 euros

* Grant amount:
– Lot 1 – Extracurricular programmes on EU models in New Zealand: between 250,000 and 300,000 euros
– Lot 2 – Indonesia-EU Civil Society Networking on Environmental Health: between 250,000 and 300,000 euros
– Lot 3 – Youth and Civil society dialogue on Rethinking Urban Spaces in Thailand: between 250,000 and 300,000 euros
– Lot 4 – EU-ASEAN Think tank dialogues for strategic partnerships: between 250,000 and 300,000 euros

* Co-financing rate: between 51% and 90% of the total eligible costs

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