Priorities and funded actions
* Applied research and innovation improve action to address climate change adaptation and resilience of family farming in the Southern Provinces of Angola
* To find options for the improvement of family farming, test them, and assess their contribution to resilience
Amongst financed actions
* Desk studies and consultations to establish the protocol of the research with clear expected outcomes and outputs;
* Carry out surveys and inquiries to assess the impact of climate change on the farming systems, focusing on primary productivity (crops and livestock breeding), of selected representative communities;
* Identify and test options “on-farm” aiming to adapt the impact assessed with above surveys and inquiries; elaborate scenarios to build resilience, the sustainable improvement of primary productivity, and family farming strategies;
* Organize seminars, knowledge sharing and dissemination events, at the most appropriate levels, to present conclusions, and provide recommendations resulting from the operational research work
Additional information
* This call for proposals is a restricted call for proposals. In the first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated
* Initial duration of the action: up to 48 months
* Eligibility:
– Be a legal person;
– Be non-profit-making or a private sector organisation with a relevant public sector mandate/mission;
– Be a specific type of organisation such as:
> Academic and research institutions (Universities, Agriculture Research Institutes);
> A consortium of academic / research institutions;
> A public sector operator or local authority;
> An international (inter-governmental) organisation as defined by Article 156of the EU Financial Regulation;
– Be established in a Member State of the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden) and the United Kingdom or the Republic of Angola, the OECD, an ACP state, a Member State of the European Economic Area, Overseas Countries and Territories or a beneficiary State of the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement as defined in Part II of Annex A2a to the ‘Rules on Participation in Procurement and Grants’ attached to the Practical Guide;
– Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the coapplicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary;
– Since the operational research is the “scientific backstopping” to the implementation of the FRESAN programme, applicants (or entities having a structural link with the applicant or associated entities) that are already participating in the FRESAN will be in principle rejected;
– Have proven experience in conducting operational researches (at least, two applied operational researches with a minimum budget of EUR 200.000 and at least, one of them, conducted in developing countries) in the following areas: agriculture, livestock, climate change/environment, community development, agroforestry and food security
* The locations of the research are the dry and semi-arid regions of the Southern Provinces of Angola (Huila, Cunene, Namibe, ) of a total area of 222.481 Km2 (17% of Angola area) and with population of about 4 Million people. Within this area, the FRESAN programme focus its intervention in a selected number of communities where the Action will be developed