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DCI – Supporting the engagement of Pan-African Civil Society initiatives with the African Governance Platform – 2020

To support the strategic partnership between Africa and the Union and subsequent modifications and additions thereto, to cover activities of a transregional, continental or global nature in and with Africa

6 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions European Union, Africa-Carribean-Pacific

EU Member States
African Countries

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Priorities and funded actions

*  To foster the emergence and sustainability of independent Pan-African civil society organisations and initiativesin the area of democratisation, governance, and/or the promotion and protection of human rights;
* To promote CSOs’ effective engagement with the AGP in order to foster the ratification of AU governance and human rights norms and tools by AU Member States and to monitor their implementation and usage;
* To open spaces for wide-ranging multi-stakeholders dialogue and advocacy activities scale addressing governance and human rights concerns on a continental level

* Lot 1: Support data-based advocacy and engagement activities of Pan-African CSO networks with members of the African Governance Platform on human rights issues
– Enhance the monitoring and strategic advocacy functions of CSOs in support the AU protocols/charters/decisions and other continental legal frameworks in human rights areas related to the AGA;
– Support the production and aggregation of reliable public data related to citizens perceptions of human rights matters at large and their common usage by continental civil society and institutional stakeholders to encourage informed dialogue on the performance of Member States in the implementation of continental commitments;
– Contribute to the citizens awareness-raising of AU governance and human rights norms and tools that are binding for the AU Member States for a better monitoring of their implementation;
– Contribute to the structuring and strengthening of Pan-African civil society organisations, initiatives and networks for a moreeffective engagement with the institutions member of the AGP;
– Contribute to structuring avenues and mechanisms for sustainable dialogue and interactions between organised civil society and the AGP

* Lot 2: Support the emergence of innovative citizen-led initiatives operating on a continental scale to promote and monitor the implementation of the ACDEG
– Contribute to the promotion and monitoring of ACDEG across Africa by means of digital tools or new media initiated and orchestrated by youth civic activists;
– Promote the usage of creative formats adapted to online usage to reach out to a continental audience on matters related to democratic governance and human rights, with possible relays in traditional media at all levels;
– Contribute to raising awareness of African citizens and CSOs in the opportunities and challenges associated with ACDEG and encourage their involvement alongside AGA organs;
– Offer an online space for sustainable and constructive citizens and CSOs’ engagement with AGA organs on democratic governance matters to complement other real-life initiatives aimed at fostering exchanges between civil society, AGA and AU institutions at large;
– Contribute to the structuring and strengthening of Pan-African civic tech initiatives and networks for a more effective engagement with the institutions member of the AGP

Among financed actions
* Research work & monitoring
– Analytical productions based on available public data, such as official statistics and other reliable qualitative and quantitative information from new or existing research, to identify gaps and needs for improved legislation and standard setting at continental level in collaboration with think tanks, research institutes and national public bodies;
– Analyses of existing continental norms and status of ratification and domestication and evaluation of the working methods of the AU institutions and organs to promote and enforce AGA-related legal norms on the continent;
– Production of thematic reports and/or studies on AGA policies and programmes setting out recommendations and proposals for improvement; 
– Design of monitoring tools to follow the implementation of the main continental commitments and instruments related to AGA, and particularly ACDEG for Lot 2 of this call for proposals, and submission of reports on their status;
– Monitoring of the respect of human rights protocols and of the situation of human rights, including through fact finding and field missions; publication of monitoring reports;

* Advocacy, awareness raising and communication strategies
– Design and implementation of lobby/advocacy strategies to encourage AU Member States to ratify, domesticate, implement and comply with existing continental Protocols and Charters;
– Raising awareness of the general public and of national governmentsand  as well as of regional and AU institutions on the importance of CSOs’ involvement in and contribution to policy-making and decision-making processes related to the AGA;
– Advocacy for the revision of existing legislation and adoption of new legislation in accordance with African citizens’ continental priorities, including the drafting of policy or legislation recommendations;
– Organisation of and participation in trainings, seminars and educational activities aimed at increasing the awareness and knowledge of the AGA and its organs as well as of the existing continental legal frameworks;
– Design and implementation of awareness raising campaigns/communication activities to sensitise people of continental commitments related to the AU governance and human rights agenda and of the opportunities and/or rights deriving from these;
– Education and training in the effective use of the media in sensitisation activities, notably including online multimedia tools and social media platforms;
– Production of analytical and multimedia content documenting achievements and field stories related to the implementation of ACDEG and dissemination via traditional and digital media, as well as more creative advocacy measures

* Networking and capacity development
– Facilitation of knowledge sharing among like-minded CSOs, both promoting South-South and/or North-South exchanges that allow for the dissemination of good practices, mentoring and/or coaching, peer-learning seminars, networking opportunities or twinning between CSOs umbrella organisations, and publication of material on best practices;
– Capacity building actions for Pan-African CSOs and networks on internal governance, financial and project management in order to strengthen their capacities and credibility to engage with public authorities, increasing their impact and level of recognition by public institutions;
– Capacity building actions for CSOs and civic initiatives with a continental focus aimed at promoting their use of official statistics, thematic research and other forms of evidence to underpin their activities in promoting African governance thematics

Additional information
* This call for proposals is a restricted call for proposals. In the first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated

* Initial duration of the action: between 36 and 48 months

* Eligibility:
– Be a legal person;
– Be non-profit-making;
– Be a civil society organisation, a not-for-profit association or a legally registered network/platform of CSOs;
– Be established in an African country or in a Member State of the European Union;
– Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary

* Actions should take place in Africa and seek to achieve impact at continental level. Actions limited to one African country or one of the five African regions (Northern Africa, Southern Africa, Central Africa, Western Africa, Eastern Africa) only will not be eligible


* Indicative allocation of funds by lot:
– Lot 1 : 3 million euro
– Lot 2: 3 million euro

* Grant amount: between 2 and 3 million euro for both lots

* Co-financing rate: up to 90% of the total eligible costs

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