Priorities and funded actions
* To support innovative and experimental local/regional-level projects aimed at putting in place comprehensive strategies, mechanisms and services ensuring a holistic approach to support people in (the most) vulnerable situations;
* To establish and enhance cooperation among various organisations (authorities and non-governmental organisations) (a) providing cash benefits, (b) delivering personalised social services and other general services and (c) providing labour market activation measures and to test its implementation;
* To allow social experimentation with the view to increase the effectiveness, coverage and impact of the integrated approaches
* To carry on the notion of the active inclusion approach reflected by the Pillar principle 14 on minimum income and provide for the integrated delivery of the three strands: such as the combination of adequate income support provision with labour market activation and effective access to enabling goods and services in an integrated way
Amongst financed actions
* Setting up the necessary structures and capacity building: developing and setting up new structures and systems ensuring the integrated delivery of the three strands of the Pillar principle 14 approach;
* Reaching out to the persons/households in need: testing innovative outreach and holistic approaches with a view to increase the take up of benefits, and to provide effective referral and cooperation mechanisms, including to the family household members of the beneficiaries when needed;
* Evaluation of the impact of the project activities: acomprehensive monitoring and evaluation plan of the impact of the intervention, including a clear and fully developed methodology identifying the relevant results and outcome indicators;
* Mainstreaming/dissemination and up-scaling: to promote at the local/regional/national and European levels the results of the action, including at least two dissemination events at the local/regional/national levels and at least one such event at the European level;
* Transnational cooperation: fostering of knowledge- and experience- sharing between the different EaSI Participating Countries including: surveys, data collection, development of guidelines and practical tools, seminars and peer reviews;
* Management of the project: participation in two events (a kick-off meeting, as well as a final networking and experience sharing meeting) to be organised in Brussels by the European Commission (max. two nights, two people), as well as the organisation of at least two coordination meetings with all members of the consortium
Additional information
* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
* Initial duration of the action: up to 30 months
* Eligibility:
– Legal entities properly established and registered in the following countries are eligible as applicants:
> EU Member States;
> Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein in accordance with the EEA Agreement;
> Albania, Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey
– Bearing in mind the need for a balanced geographical coverage in this call, a maximum of 2 projects proposed by lead applicants from the same country can be selected for funding;
– Be a public authority or public agency expressly mandated in writing by the competent;
– Be a public authority to assume responsibility for the implementation of the action;
– Be a non-profit organisation (private or public);
– Be a research centre / institute / higher education establishment;
– Be a civil society organisation;
– Be a social partner organisation at European, national or regional level (in application of Article 197 2. I of the Financial Regulation, social partner organisations without legal personality are also eligible provided that the conditions of the Financial Regulation related thereto are met);
– The grant shall be awarded to a consortium of stakeholders (lead applicant and co- applicants), based on the following eligibility criteria:
> The lead applicant must be a public authority at central, regional or local level, or a body governed by the public law;
> The lead applicant and co-applicants must together cover the following three: (i) body responsible for granting or administering minimum income benefits (or similar social safety net cash benefits); (ii) body delivering active labour market policy measures, namely public or private employment services; (iii) body delivering social services and/or enabling goods and services, namely various public and non-profit organisations providing in-kind benefits and support services to vulnerable households
> At least one of the co-applicants shall be a non-governmental organisation;
> At least one co-applicant shall be from another EaSI Participating Country than the main applicant
* To be eligible, actions must be fully carried out in the EaSI Participating Countries