25 August 2021
DG Employment – Incubators (business support organisations) for inclusive and social entrepreneurship – 2020
Grants for projects promoting the DG EMPL's policy objectives
+33(0)1 42 54 60 64 |
Grants for projects promoting the DG EMPL's policy objectives
* EU Member States
* Iceland and Norway in accordance with the EEA Agreement
* Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey
* Mobilising existing network(s) of mainstream business incubators to expand their outreach to inclusive and social entrepreneurship;
* Achieving a geographically balanced coverage of countries (North, South, East, West of Europe)
* “Business incubators” mean support organisations of which the main purpose is to promote business creation and entrepreneurship by offering relevant services such as training, workshops, business coaching and mentoring, business advice, networking opportunities and financing for potential start-up companies and micro entrepreneurs. These bodies can support the start-up as well as the scale-up of businesses;
* “Network of business incubators” means an established network, which among its members includes organisations fulfilling the above definition of business incubator. Consequently the call is open also to networks which include multiple types of member organisations;
* “Social entrepreneurship/social enterprises” mean businesses, of which the primary objective is to achieve positive social impact. Consequently they are subject to profit distribution limits and participatory governance principles;
* “Inclusive entrepreneurship” is an approach to ensure that all people, regardless of their background, have an equal opportunity to start and run their own businesses. It focusses on target groups that are under-represented in entrepreneurship, or that face greater barriers to business creation and self-employment, e.g. women, migrants, youth and the unemployed
Among financed actions
* Gathering, production and diffusion of relevant information materials;
* Study visits and exchange of good practices;
* Training activities, webinars, seminars, conferences, etc;
* Developing business support services for inclusive and social entrepreneurs, including toolkits, templates, manuals and other support material;
* Actions aiming at creating and improving connections to stakeholders in inclusive and social entrepreneurship;
* Awareness and dissemination actions amongst the network’s members and towards the wider audience
Additional information
* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
* Initial duration of the action: up to 24 months
* Eligibility:
– Be a public or private entity of any type;
– Be legally established in one of the EaSU participating countries;
– Be an established formal network of business incubators with its own legal personnality or representing an establihsed formal network;
– Be a consortium of several established networks, established in at least 14 EU member states
* The actions must take place in EU member states and EaSI participating countries
* Amount of the grant : between 1 and 1.3 million euros
* Cofinancing rate: up to 80% of the total eligible costs
25 August 2021