Priorities and funded actions
* To strengthen the capacity of workers’ organisations to address, challenges related the modernisation of the labour market, new forms of work;
* Digitalisation of the economy;
* Sustainability, transition to a climate-neutral economy;
* Intra-EU labour mobility, protection systems
* Contribute to European social dialogue
Among Financed actions
* Conferences;
* Seminars;
* Round tables;
* Studies;
* Surveys;
* Publications;
* Training courses;
* Development of training tools;
* Setting up of networks;
* Development and exchange of best practices
Additional information
* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
* Initial duration of the action: 2 months
– Be a legal entity;
– Be properly established in an EU Member State, in Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey;
– Single applicant must be a social partner organisation representing workers at European level;
– Consortium composed of at least one social partner organisation representing workers at European level;
– The following entities are only eligible as co-applicant : social partners, non-profit-making organisations, universities and research, institutes, public authorities, international organisations
* Amount of the grant: between 150,000 and 500,000 euro
* Co-Financing rate: up to 90% of the total eligible costs