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Digital Europe – Federated European infrastructure for genomics data – 2021

The Digital Europe 2021-2027 programme aims to support and accelerate the digital transformation of the European economy, industry and society, to bring its benefits to citizens, public administrations and businesses across the Union, and to improve the competitiveness of Europe in the global digital economy while contributing to bridging the digital divide across the Union and reinforcing the Union’s strategic autonomy, through holistic, cross-sectoral and cross-border support and a stronger Union contribution.

20 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Beneficiaries All beneficiaries
Regions Candidate countries, European Economic Area, European Union, Mediterranean countries

Countries eligibles to the grant:

  • Countries associated to the Digital Europe Programme;
  • Countries which are in ongoing negotiations for an association agreement and where the agreement enters into force before grant signature are eligible for the grant are equally eligible for the grant.

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To achieve sustainable cross-border linkage of and access to a multitude of genomic and related phenotypic, clinical and other datasets across Europe based on the progress achieved in the context of the 1+ Million Genomes initiative;
  • To support the genomic data infrastructure by advanced IT tools and capacities;
  • To support the creation, extension and adaptation of genomic datasets.


  • Priority 1: Deployment of the infrastructure needed to make harmonised European genomic data resources and linked clinical, phenotypic and other information, where available and relevant;
  • Priority 2: The creation of new datasets;
  • Priority 3: Providing a federated network of connected genomic databases deploying trust mechanisms, enabling data discovery, querying and use of appropriate computing capacities for distributed data anlaysis and providing a minimum of core services to facilitate the operation of the federated network;
  • Priority 4: Inform and consult the representatives of Member States in order to lead to defining a sustainbale business model and setting up a coordination entity that will supervise the activities, run and maintain the system and its services, ensure the necessary agreements within the projet and with Member States, and monitor the implementation of such ageements.

Among financed actions

  • Secure federated infrastructure and data governance needed to enable sustainable and secure cross border linkage of genomic data sets in compliance with the relevant and agreed legal, ethical, quality and interoperability requirements and standards based on the progress achieved by the 1+MG initiative;
  • Platform performing distributed analysis of genetic/genomic data and any linked clinical/phenotypic information; it should be based on the principle of federated access to data sources, include a federated/multi-party authorisation and authentication system, and enable application of appropriate secure multiparty and/or high-end computing, AI and simulation techniques and resources;
  • Clear description of the roles and responsibilities related to personal data and privacy protection, for humans and computers, applicable during project lifetime and after its finalisation;
  • Business model including an uptake strategy explaining the motivation, incentives and conditions for all stakeholders at the different levels (national, European, global) to support the European genomic data infrastructure towards its sustainability, including data controllers, patients, citizens, data users, service providers (e.g. IT and biotech companies), healthcare systems and public authorities at large;
  • Sustained coordination mechanism for the European genomic data infrastructure and for the Genome of Europe multi-country project launched in the context of the 1+MG initiative.

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals.
  • Initial duration of the action: between 12 and 24 months.


  • Be legal entities (public or private bodies);
  • A consortium composed of at least 3 independant entities, established in at least 3 different eligible countries must be constituted.
  • Total buget of the call: 140 million euro
  • Total budget of the topic “Federated European infrastructure for genomics data” : 20 million euro
  • Indicative budget per project: up to 20 million euro
  • Co-financing rate: up to 50% of the total eligible costs

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