Priorities and funded actions
* Action 1 : To mitigate the consequences of the deterioration of press and media freedom in certain Member States and Candidate Countries. It will also provide a systematic monitoring of violations of press and media freedom across the European Union.
* Action 2: To sustain quality journalism and especially (resource-intensive) investigative journalism in the current fast-evolving media landscape.
* Action 3: To support to independent, collaborative journalism in the EU Member States and at promoting media freedom and media diversity across the EU.
Action 1:
Priority 1: to support the activities of one consortium of organisations working together to uphold media freedom and safety of journalists in the EU and Candidate Countries
Priority 2: Monitored press freedom violations
Action 2:
Priority 1: An independent body will be set up to implement consecutive rounds of grants supporting journalistic investigations involving journalists from at least two Member States, with the possible addition of Candidate Countries
Action 3:
Priority 1: to stimulate quality journalism and media freedom / diversity in the EU.
Priority 2: helping journalists and news media to exchange good practices.
Priority 3: helping journalists and news media to use innovative tools and resources in order to improve the quality of their output
Priority 2: Strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral
Priority 3: Projects are also expected to contribute to achieving the objectives of the Recovery Plan for Europe.
Among financed actions
– Action 1:
– Design and manage a Europe-wide rapid response mechanism to support media freedom and journalists’ safety, covering all EU Member States. Coverage of Candidate Countries will be considered an advantage.
– Provide legal and practical support to journalists and other media practitioners in need.
– Organise advocacy missions to locations where journalists are under threat.
– Monitor the state of media freedom in the EU Member States and Candidate Countries.
– Action 2:
– Design and implement a cross-border investigative funding scheme, including the establishment of an independent jury which shall evaluate and select journalistic projects.
– Selection of grantees ensuring a geographical and thematic balance.
– Provide practical support and training to the journalists involved in the funding scheme.
– Action 3:
– Organise training for investigative journalists and other media actors
– Support innovation in small and emerging media
– Support collaboration between small and emerging media outlets
– Promote ethical codes and professional standards
Additionnal information
* This call of proposals is an open call of proposals
* Initial duration of the action: 12months
The applicants must be:
* Groupings of entities (consortia) – with the entities forming this consortia having or not entities affiliated to them;
For action 3:
– non-profit organisation (private or public);
– international organisations;
– universities;
– educational institutions;
– research centres
* Grant Amount :
Action 1: 1,380,119 euro
Action 2: 1,500,000 euro
Action 3: 1,000,000 euro
* Cofinancing rate: 90% of total eligible costs