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ED-FPA Framework Partnership Agreement – Selection of partners to carry out Europe direct activities (2021-2025) – 2020

Grants for projects which aims to contribute to the understanding about the European Union and to promote civic participation.


Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions European Union

EU member states

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Priorities and funded actions

* To select partners for the management of EUROPE DIRECT for the period 2021-2025

Amongst financed actions
* Task 1: Information and engagement with citizens;
* Task 2: Relations with local media and multipliers;
* Task 3: Awareness about sensitive EU topics at local level;
* Task 4: The EU in schools;
* Task 5: Promoting a regional network of networks;

Additionnal Information 
* This call for projects is for each of the countries of the European Union: one call per country has been published. Links in the Useful links section.


This call for projects is open to all EU countries: the budget therefore differs from one country to another. Links in the Useful links section.

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