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EDIDP – Defence capabilities supported by artificial intelligence – 2020

Grants for projects related to the development of defence equipment and technologies aimed at strengthening the European defence industry

5.7 million euros

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions European Union

EU Member States

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Priorities and funded actions

* Helping the operator to leverage multi-source intelligence (multi-INT) data in large collections of data

* Support decision-making tools in command and control at all levels, including the use of predictive algorithms to anticipate threats/trends through analysis of big data and neural networks;
* Improve intelligence gathering and processing to provide common operational picture and situational awareness;
* Support recurrent activities such as strategic communication (STRATCOM), logistics planning, airspace management, energy management of platforms, and analysis of lessons identified in operational context;
* Develop the desired level of autonomy of unmanned systems with autonomous and (automated) guidance, navigation and control for mobility and with autonomous decision making for responsiveness in order to operate in highly dynamic, contested and congested environments

Among financed actions
* Identification of feasible use cases and related requirements definition for AI-based application contexts;
* Scouting of contemporary technology that can support agile design and implementation activities;
* Collection of data representative of the use cases;
* Implementation of verification metrics (scenario simulation using the collected data);
* Implementation of technology demonstrator(s);
* Verification of the technology demonstrator(s) through simulation of scenarios

Additional information
* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals

* Initial duration of the action: up to 4 years

* Eligibility:
– Be a public or private undertaking established in the Union;
– Consortium of at least three eligible entities which are established in at least three different Member States


* Co-financing rate: between 20% and 90% of the total eligible costs

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