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EIB – EIBURS Impact of gender mainstreaming in infrastructure projects – 2020

Grants to support research projects


Appeal framework

Institution European Investment Bank
Regions European Union, Candidate countries

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Priorities and funded actions

* To provide a conceptual framework, develop a research hypothesis and carry out an empirical study on the following questions:
– In which ways can improvements, generated through infrastructure investments (e.g. public transport or affordable housing), to women’s access to productive resources (such as finance, land and other natural resources) and economic opportunities (decent jobs) enhance their economic resilience and well-being?
– Based on which transversal indicators can the EIB most effectively estimate the possible differential effects of infrastructure investments on women and men and ensure that the projects’ outcomes will address existing gender gaps? In particular, is the time poverty (3) dimension an appropriate indicator?
* To include appropriate data collection mechanisms (qualitative and quantitative), build a relevant database and identify the optimal design to establish a counterfactual;
* To carry out rigorous statistical analysis on the baseline

* Identification of an optimal methodology for estimating – ex ante – the impact of infrastructure investments on wider societal gender inequality and the selection of the most appropriate indicators that could apply across sectors and regions;
* To collect data at the onset of the project, when the project has not yet influenced the outcome variables of interest (i.e. women’s economic resilience and well-being);
* To infrastructure investments in terms of both risks and opportunities in designing projects because of their potential to have indirect and induced impacts on women’s prospects 

Additional information
* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals

* Initial duration of the action: three years

* Eligiblity:
– Be a research departement or a university;
– Have a recognized expertise in the selected areas


* Grant amount: 300,000 euros, 100,000 euros per year

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