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EIDHR – Chad – 2020

Grants for projects which aim to provide assistance to the development and consolidation of democracy and the rule of law and of respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms

780,000 euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions European Union, Africa-Carribean-Pacific, European Economic Area, Developing countries

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Priorities and funded actions

* Strengthening the contribution of civil society to good governance of the Chadian land sector through, among other things, the collection of data at community level for investigation/early warning on the respect of human rights, the monitoring of possible abuses/violations of rights, and its participation in the improvement of the legal framework;
* Encouraging a peer-to-peer approach between civil society organisations (national and international) doing similar work

* Strengthening local organisations that ensure respect for land rights and combat the phenomenon of land grabbing;
* Strengthening investigation and early warning mechanisms on the phenomenon of illegal land grabbing in order to curb its spread;
* Strengthening organisations that review and monitor the proper implementation of land law and promote transparency and accountability in land transfer processes, including :
– Encouraging the mobilization and participation of citizens in public land management at the national and subnational levels, giving priority to measures aimed at improving, in particular, the participation of disadvantaged and/or underrepresented groups ;
– Raising awareness of the importance of the issue among the population at large and informing stakeholders of the existing legal framework;
– Providing direct support to victims of violations to enable them to obtain justice and reparation;
* Strengthening organisations that promote accountability and/or help prevent and combat the phenomenon of illegal land grabbing in :
– Facilitating the mobilization of civil society actors who demand government response and reform, such as access to timely and transparent information, as well as credible and effective sanctions against potential cases of abusive land grabbing;
– Monitoring and advocating the effective and impartial application of the rule of law, including the enforcement of administrative and criminal sanctions, with respect to anti-corruption measures;
– Building capacity and developing skills and networking capabilities to facilitate collaboration between local and regional change agents and watchdog organisations with similar mandates ;
– Improving the capacity of the media to investigate and cover cases of land grabbing and collaboration with civil society and other change actors ;
* Promoting the use of new technologies in monitoring compliance with land legislation by building the capacity of NGOs to use digital tools

Among financed actions
* Support for research, collection and dissemination of information on the field, including the organization of sessions/workshops on access to land;
* Legal aid and legal assistance to victims, particularly women;
* Support for mediation and peaceful conflict resolution ;
* Networking of actors working in the field;
* Establishment of an early warning system (notably based on NICTs);
* Advocacy with local, traditional and religious authorities;
* Awareness-raising actions;
* Support for the revision of the legal framework

Additional information
* This call for proposals is a restricted call for proposals. In the first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated

* Initial duration of the action: between 24 and 36 months

* Eligibility:
– Be a legal person or an entity without legal personality, or a natural person ;
– Be non-profit making;
– Be either an NGO or a CSO;
– Be established in an ACP country, an EU Member State, a country benefiting from the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, a Member State of the European Economic Area, an Overseas Country or Territory, a developing country or territory that is not a member of the G20

– Actions must take place in Chad and may cover several regions


* Amount of grant: between 300 000 euro and 390 000 euro

* Co-financing rate: between 60 and 95 % of the total eligible costs

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