Priorities and funded actions
* Supporting human rights and human rights defenders in situations where they are most at risk;
* Supporting other priorities of the Union in the field of human rights where the Union has an added value or specific thematic commitment (EIDHR Global Objective 2);
* Supporting the work of civil society organisations in addressing the needs of vulnerable and marginalised groups (IPs and human rights defenders) with a particular focus on protecting them and supporting their empowerment to claim their rights
* Lot 1: Support to human rights defenders most at risk;
* Lot 2: Support to indigenous peoples most at risk of discrimination, marginalisation and other forms of violations of their nationally and internationally protected rights
Among financed actions
* For lot 1: provision of immediate relief for HRDs at risk and long term protection measures to support the broadening of legal and civic spaces for CSOs and HRDs. Also foreseen are activities on capacity-building, advocacy, and social dialogues;
* For lot 2: capacity building, awareness and education campaign, social dialogue, institutional support, protection mechanisms, research and policy reform. Also foreseen are improvement of IP access to legal and redress mechanisms to prosecute violations and emergency support
Additional information
* This call for proposals is a restricted call for proposals. In first instance, onlyconcept notes will be evaluated
* Initial duration of the action: between 12 and 36 months
* Eligibility:
– Be a legal person;
– Be non-profit making;
– Ba a type of organisation as defined in Article 11.2 (a andb) of Regulation N°236/2014 such as : (a) civil society organisations, non-governmental non-profit organisations and independent political foundations, community-based organisations and private sector non-profit agencies, institutions and organisations and network thereof at local, national, regional and international level, or (b) public sector non-profit agencies, institutions and organisations and networks at local, national and international level;
– Be established in a Member State of the European Union or an eligible country as stipulated in the CIR. Pursuant to Commission Implementation Rules (CIR) Article 11 “Eligibility under EIDHR, no nationality restriction applies to lead applicants and, if any, to co-applicants and affiliated entities. However, where the lead applicant is not registered in the Philippines, it must act with minimum one co-applicant registered in the Philippines
* The action must take place in the Philippines
* Indicative budget per lot:
– Lot 1: 490,000 euro
– Lot 2: 490,000 euro
* Amount of the grant: between 100,000 and 250,000 euro
* Cofinancing rate:
– Between 60% and 95% of the total eligible costs
– For applicant registered in the Philippes: 95% of the total eligible costs
– For applicants not registered in the Philippines: 75% of the total eligible costs
* The grant may cover the 100% eligible costs of the action if this is deemed essential to carry it out