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EIT – KIC Food – Prize “Water Scarcity in Southern Europe” – 2020

Prize for: Supporting entrepreneurs addressing water scarcity challenge in Southern Europe

10.000 euro max

Appeal framework

Institution EIT Food
Sectors Health
Regions European Union

Following countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine.

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Priorities and funded actions

*To promote 30 businesses that, through technological and social innovations as well as new services, provide tools to face the increasing issue of water access.

* To that purpose, solutions that – from the thematic categories of agrifood, climate, raw materials and manufacturing – give an answer to one of the significant challenges below:
– digitalization for better water management,
– raising  awareness and promoting education regarding local risks and measures,
– unlocking water Governance and financial schemes for the sustainability of the water scarcity measures,
– optimizing and matching water supply and demand,
– ensuring production control and better water consumption to allow legal enforcement, and
– fostering climate change readiness from the perspective of water.

Amongst financed actions
*The programme will provide training and mentoring, as well as economically rewarding the six best European projects.

Additionnal information

* Eligibility
– Start-ups working with social innovation tools/solutions are also invited to apply to this call, in particular, those focused on raising awareness, water governance, learning strategies and methods to save water, and organizational solutions to manage water more efficiently.
– The 30 selected start-ups will have to be already a legal entity or in a very advanced process to set one, and cannot be older than 3 years, neither have generated more than €1M in revenue in the last year and raised more than €500k in equity-based funding
– The applicators must be resident, citizen or legal entity based in the next countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine.


* The winner of each country will receive 10.000 euros and 5.000 the second, with six startups awarded in total

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