Priorities and funded actions
- Competitive manufacturing skills and social sustainability
- Powerful manufacturing innovation ecosystems
- Globally competitive and resilient manufacturing
- Environmentally sustainable manufacturing
- Manufacturing fit for the digital age
- To contribute to the Strategic Development Goals (SDGs)
Priority 1 – Empower, to develop EIT Labelled journey for students and professionals
Priority 2 – Connect and Transform, to create the infrastructures and the learning experiences that enable individuals and organizations to network, skill, upskill and reskill within the Manufacturing Innovation Community
Priority 3 – Engage, to reach out to pupils, youngsters, society at large and other industries to create reciprocal awareness, attraction and involvement to manufacturing
Among financed activities
- Priority 1: Empower
- EIT Labelled Master Programmes
- EIT Labelled Doctoral Programmes
- Flexy Enhance
- Pioneering Learning Journeys
- Summer School 2023
- Doctoral School 2023
- Priority 2: Connect & Transform
- Skills – driven learning
- Skills for Manufacturing Call Thematics
- Innovation & Entrepreneurial skills for Mfg
- Circular Manufacturing
- Education & training for transforming organizations
- Education for Transforming Organizations
- Priority 3: Engage
- Engage Pupils, Society and Other Sectors
Additional information
- This call for proposals is a two stages call for proposals
- Initial duration of the action: 12 to 24 months
- Be a legal entity
- The composition of the Consortia should comply with the specific requirements of each segment or topic indicated in the call document