25 August 2021
EMFF – Blue economy window call – 2020
To ensure sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture as well as supporting growth and jobs in coastal communities across the EU.
+33(0)1 42 54 60 64 |
To ensure sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture as well as supporting growth and jobs in coastal communities across the EU.
* To bring to market new products, services, processes, and business models in blue economy value chains and help advance their market-readiness;
* To develop sustainable and innovative blue economy in Europe’s sea basins;
* To de-risk investment in these projects to facilitate their access to other financing schemes for the next stages of their activities.
Among financed actions
* Establishing new product and/or service and/or processes and/or business model in the blue economy value chains that contributes to one or more Commission political priorities, with a particular focus on the objectives targeted by the European Green Deal, including e.g. biodiversity, circular economy, digital earth and farm to fork strategies and the transition to a climate-neutral economy with reduced carbon and environmental footprint that is competitive on a global scale. and/or
* Shifting existing products and/or services and or processes and/or business model in the blue economy value chains towards the above mentioned political priorities and objectives.
Additional information
* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
* Initial duration of the action: Up to 36 months
– Be exclusively for-profit SMEs’ e.g. micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, as defined in Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC, that are not ‘non-profit legal entities’
– Be legally established in EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories OCTs)
– Actions must take place in European Union
* Amount of the grant: between 700 000 and 2 500 000 euro (Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts)
* Co-financing rate: 70% of the total eligible costs
25 August 2021