Priorities and funded actions
* Strengthen capacities of local CSOs to better respond to citizen’s needs;
* Vulnerable groups and those disproportionately affected by the pandemic have improved access to socio-economic services
* Supporting the improvement of CSOs organizational capacities and financial sustainability to ensure vulnerable groups and those disproportionately affected by the pandemic have continuous and uninterrupted access to quality socio-economic services;
* Strengthening socio-economic resilience to bring transformative change into the lives of vulnerable groups of the population and those disproportionately affected by the pandemic;
* Responding to climate change mitigation and adaptation to protect human health
Amongst financed actions
* Promotion and strengthening of:
– Institutional and financial sustainability of CSOs, including through capacity building programmes adjusted to the needs emerging from the health crisis;
– Delivery of quality social services to vulnerable groups of the population;
– Social enterprise(s) with a focus on SDG goals related to environment and climate change;
– Platforms, networks, institutions and new forms of entities to facilitate long term sustainable partnerships of CSOs with social enterprises, which can function at a scale and play a catalytic role contributing to the achievement of SDGs;
– Skills and competences for strengthening and/or creating social enterprises, including women entrepreneurship;
– Good social entrepreneurial practices and enable a more supportive environment for social enterprises including through the dissemination of social entrepreneurship successful practices;
– Gender equality and women empowerment and towards reduced gender imbalances with regard to access and control over resources
Additional Information
* This call for proposals is a restricted call for proposals. In the first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated
* Initial duration of the action: between 24 and 48 months
* Eligibility
– Be a legal person and;
– Be non-profit-making and;
– Be a civil society organisation;
– For-profit organisations may also be eligible in exceptional and duly justified cases and as long as the non-profit character of the proposed actions is observed. The validity of the justification will be examined by the Evaluation Committee;
– Be established in the territory of the Russian Federation, as recognised by international law, or in a Member State of the European Union or in a Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA);
– Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co- applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.
– Actions must take place in the Russian Federation as recognised by international law. Nevertheless, punctual activities may, if duly justified in the description of the action, take place in EU Member States when they are directly related to situations arising in the Russian Federation and for the benefit of the population of the Russian Federation, e.g. a seminar or conference, study visit, an opening or closing of a campaign or other similar one-off event. Justification for such cases will be examined during the evaluation process
* Grant amount: between 400,000 and 600,000 euro
* Co-financing rate: between 50% and 90% of the total eligible costs of the action