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Erasmus+ – Civil Cooperation in the field of Youth – 2021

Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The 2021-2027 programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life.

4 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions European Union

Countries eligible for the grant:

  • Countries associated to the Erasmus+ Programme
  • Countries which are in ongoing negociations for an association agreement and where the agreement enters into force before grant signature.

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To raise awareness of European policy agendas in youth, in particular, the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027 including the European Youth Goals;
  • To increase stakeholder commitment and cooperation with public authorities for the implementation of policies and reforms in the field of youth, in particular for the implementation of policies in areas relevant for young people and the country-specific recommendations issued in the framework of the European Semester;
  • To boost stakeholder participation in the field of youth including by building upon the potential of digital communication alongside other forms of participation;
  • To boost stakeholder involvement in the dissemination of policy and Programme actions and results and of good practice among their membership and beyond;
  • To develop, promote and support actions to engage, connect and empower youth in the spirit of the EU Youth Strategy;
  • To increase awareness and youth participation in EU actions for young people, such as Erasmus+ including the DiscoverEU initiative and the European Solidarity Corps;
  • To boost civil society involvement in the dissemination of policy and programme actions including results and good practices among their membership and beyond.


  • Promoting active citizenship, young people’s sense of initiative and youth entrepreneurship including social entrepreneurship;
  • Increasing quality, innovation and recognition of youth work;
  • Strengthening the employability of young people;
  • Reinforcing links between policy, research and practice.

Among financed activities

  • Foster the development of competences and skills through non-formal and informal learning, youth organisations and youth work;
  • Promote digital literacy, intercultural learning, critical thinking, the respect of diversity, and the values of solidarity, equal opportunities and human rights among young people in Europe;
  • Contribute to relevant EU policy initiatives beyond youth policy affecting young people in areas such as citizenship, education, culture, sport, employment or social inclusion;
  • Adhere to the guiding principles set for the EU Youth Strategy and in this regard promote the following:
    • Equality and non-discrimination, by combating all forms of discrimination and promoting action to encourage young people’s fair and equal access to opportunities and facilitate their transition to adulthood, including in civic life, at school or in the world of work;
    • Inclusion, catering for the diverse needs of young people and especially those with fewer opportunities or whose voices may be overlooked;
    • Participation of all young people in democratic and civic life in Europe, by meaningful action to involve young people and youth organisations at European, national, regional or local level in the development, implementation and follow-up of policy issues, promoting debate and actions to make young people’s voices better heard in society; and encouraging them to vote in elections.

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals.
  • Initial duration of the action: 12 months.


  • Be legal entities (public or private bodies);
  • Be established in one of the eligible countries;
  • Be non-governmental and non-profit making.
  • Amount of the grant: 4 million euro
  • Indicative budget per project: between 80,000 and 125,000 euro
  • Co-financing rate: up to 80% of the total eligible costs

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