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Erasmus+ – Partnerships for Innovation – Looking-Forward projects – Cross-sectoral priorities – 2022

Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The 2021-2027 programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life.

46 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Beneficiaries Media & cultural organisation
Regions Worldwide

Associated countries and countries which are in ongoing negotiations for an association agreement and where the agreement enters into force before grant signature are equally eligible to the grant.

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To equip all learners with digital competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes)
  • To develop and update digital strategies addressing technology gaps in infrastructure, devices and developing relevant organisational capabilities in education, including the capacity to deliver hybrid modes of learning and teaching (remote and on-site)
  • To ensure accessibility to assistive technologies and accessible digital content and more generally address unequal access, e.g. on socio-economic or rural/urban grounds


Priority 1: Supporting high quality and inclusive digital education, in line with the Digital Education Action Plan

  • Supporting the development of a high-performing digital education ecosystem
  • Addressing the need to enhance digital competences for the digital transformation

Priority 2: Supporting education and training systems to adapt for the green transition

Among the financed actions

Under priority 1, projects should address the following areas:

  • Key success factors for inclusive and high-quality digital education and training
    • Identify and/or assess enabling factors or obstacles for effective and performing digital education and training ecosystems. These enabling factors and obstacles may be addressed at systemic (national/regional/local level) or at organisational level
    • Examine the interplay between these factors/obstacles and produce recommendations that may be disseminated and exploited at organisational and systemic level
  • Artificial Intelligence in education
    • Identify, develop and pilot use cases of artificial intelligence in education and training including considering their impact on data, privacy, ethics and EU values
    • Produce recommendations, toolkits and implementation guidelines on the role and use of artificial intelligence in education and training that may be disseminated and exploited at organisational and systemic level
  • High-quality digital education content
    • Identify, develop and pilot use cases for the development and adoption of high-quality digital education content (taking into account the need for high-quality instructional design, accessibility, recognition and multilingualism and reflecting the need for interoperability, certification, verification and transferability of digital education content)
    • Produce recommendations, toolkits and implementation guidelines on the development and adoption of high-quality digital education content that may be disseminated and exploited at organisational and systemic level

Under priority 2, projects should address the following areas: 

  • Promoting whole institution approaches to sustainability
    • Designing, implementing and monitoring whole-institution sustainability plans, including through the use of self-assessment tools
    • Supporting education leaders (e.g. through professional development, mentoring schemes, networking initiatives) to embed sustainability into all aspects of the institutions’ operations
    • Supporting student and staff involvement in sustainability initiatives, e.g. through sustainability champions/ambassadors, developing links with local community groups and other partners beyond the education institution
    • Designing, implementing and monitoring approaches related to sustainable operations on the school/campus site, e.g. energy and water consumption; mobility and transport; greening of teaching and learning environment and infrastructure
  • Developing the skills and competences of learners and educators related to sustainability
    • Designing, implementing and monitoring innovative approaches to teaching and training on sustainability, which could include the effective use of digital technologies to support learning for sustainability
    • Building the capacity of educators (teachers, training and all educational staff) to integrate sustainability through professional development, including supporting educators with innovative teaching practices and bridging subjects in different disciplines
    • Connecting different education sectors on sustainability competence development, including formal and non-formal education
    • Awareness-raising activities, including activities targeted at the fight against disinformation (related to, e.g., green washing) and fostering critical-thinking through for example hands-on learning in ‘makerspaces’ and/or ‘STEAM’ learning approaches
  • Empowering citizens to act on sustainability, the environment and climate change, including in the context of the new Education for Climate Coalition
    • Designing concrete and replicable “climate action plans” at local level, involving learners, teachers, trainers, education leaders, local business, museums, art and science bodies and sport centres
    • Designing project-based, experiential learning led by schools with parents, local businesses, the wider community, e.g.: promoting healthy eating; promoting schools as green, sustainable, interactive buildings, in line with the New European Bauhaus priorities
    • Supporting innovative partnerships between formal education (e.g. schools, higher education institutions etc.) and non-formal actors (e.g. NGOs, environmental centres, libraries, museums, etc.)

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
  • Initial duration of the action: between 24 and 48 months


  • The applicant must be established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme
  • The partnerships should be composed of a mix of public and private organisations combining researchers, practitioners and partners with the capacity to reach policy-makers
  • The partnership must include at least 3 full partners from a minimum of 3 EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme (including at least 2 EU Member States)
  • Amount of the grant: 800,000 euro
  • Co-financing rate: up to 80% of the total eligible costs

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