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ERASMUS PLUS – Key Action 2: Erasmus plus teacher academies – 2021

To develop new ways to train and support competent, motivated and highly qualified teachers, trainers, educators and school leaders, to encourage their continuous professional development and to promote quality, research-based teacher education.

2 153.1 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions Balkans, European Economic Area, European Union, Mediterranean countries

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Priorities and funded actions


  • Creating networks and communities of practise on teacher education that bring providers of initial teacher education and providers of continuing professional development;
  • Enhancing the European dimension and internationalisation of teacher education;
  • Develop and test jointly different models of mobility (virtual, physical and blended);
  • Develop sustainable collaboration between teacher education providers with an impact to the quality of teacher education in Europe and with a view to inform teacher education polices at European and national level


  • To collaborate and establish networks and communities of practise;
  • To develop and deliver joint, innovative, and effective learning modules;
  • To develop joint learning offer with a strong European dimension;
  • To involve schools and in particular training schools to experiment and share innovative we ways of teaching;
  • To promote and giver preference to the existing Erasmus + tools, such as eTwinning and School Education Gateway


Additional information:

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
  • Initial duration of the action: 3 years


  • Teacher Education Institutions (colleges, institutes, universities providing initial teacher education and/or continuing professional development) for teachers at ISCED level 1-3, including VET teachers;
  • Ministries or similar public bodies responsible for school education policies;
  • Public (local, regional or national) and private bodies responsible for developing policies and offer for teacher education as well as defining standards for teachers’ qualifications;
  • Teacher associations or other nationally recognised providers of teacher education and continuous professional development;
  • Authorities responsible for education and training of teachers and supervision of their continuous professional development and qualifications;
  • Schools working with teacher education providers to allow for practical training as part of teacher education;
  • Other schools (from primary schools to initial VET) or other organisations (e.g. NGOs, teacher associations) relevant for the project

The maximum EU grant per project is 1,5 million euros.

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