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ERASMUS PLUS – Key action 2: Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (implementing the “Blueprint”) – 2021

To support, through lifelong learning, the educational, professional and personal development of people in education, training, youth and sport, in Europe and beyond, thereby contributing to sustainable growth, quality jobs and social cohesion, to driving innovation, and to strengthening European identity and active citizenship

2 153.1 million euros

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions Worldwide

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To create new strategic approaches and cooperation for concrete skills development solutions;
  • To tackle skills gaps on the labour market that hamper growth, innovation and competitiveness;
  • To support the implementation of the Pact for Skills by developing a sectoral skills strategy;
  • To support the design and delivery of transnational education and training content as well as teaching and training methodologies


Among financed actions

  • Developing a strategic approach to sectoral cooperation on skills;
  • Designing European sector-wide agreed “core” curricula and training programme;
  •  Delivering the ‘core’ curricula and training programmes;
  • Designing a long term action plan for the progressive roll-out of project deliverables after the project has finished;
  • Learning mobility activities of students, teachers, researchers and staff


Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
  • Initial duration of the action: 4 years



  • The lead applicant must be an organisation established in a Programme Country and the co-applicants must be established in a Programme Country or in any Partner Country;
  • Be a public or private entity related to education, training, research, social, care, economics and employment (such as VET (Vocational Education and Training) provider, research institute, NGO or employment services);
  • Be a consortium composed of at least 5 labour market actors and at least 5 education and training providers (including one higher education institution and one VET). It must cover at least 8 Programme countries and at least 12 full partners participating organisations;
  • Have a valid ECHE (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) is required for HEIs established in a Programme Country, except for participating HEIs in Partner Countries.
  • Amount of the grant: 4 million euro

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